Yesterday, Microsoft UK’s Eileen Brown showed a MOM architecture slide as part of a presentation she was giving on monitoring Exchange Server. I found it a good introduction to the way that MOM 2005 works so I thought I’d reproduce it here:
Gagging orders…
Oh! The joys of legal agreements… for the next 2 days, I’m attending the Exchange Server “12” Ignite training tour and the first thing I’ve had to do on arrival is to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which prohibits me from reproducing or summarising any confidential information gained for the next 5 years! To be fair, these things are pretty standard and much of what I do at work is covered by one NDA or another, but it does effectively prevent me from writing about anything I learn on this course. I guess when the product is released to manufacturing, the information will cease to be confidential, but in the meantime I guess I’ll have to keep quiet about E12!
What I can say is that the bag provided as part of the delegate information pack reminds me a bit of my earliest experiences with messaging – my days a newspaper delivery boy.
Happy birthday Apple
Last year, I wrote about Microsoft’s 30th anniversary – this time round it’s Apple.
Until recently just a niche player in the personal computer marketplace, the company founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Woz) is doing better now than ever – and that’s nothing to do with the Macintosh PC line but with the company’s allegedly monopolistic online music sales tactics. According to Associated Press, Jobs is the “marketing whiz” behind the company (his return to the CEO spot a few years back certainly marked a turning point in the company’s fortunes) and Wozniak the “engineering genius” (I’ve heard Woz on TWiT – he sure loves his technology). Time will tell where Apple’s business model goes as a result of current court action but if Microsoft’s anything to go by, it won’t make too much difference.
Apple products are different – different because they look good. Why can’t all PCs look as good as a Mac Mini or a Power Mac? I’m one of the people who would pay a premium for a Macintosh – I really fancy a Mac Mini (if I can hook it up to a standard TV as my 32″ Sony Trinitron will probably outlive any affordable flat panel that I could buy today) and I reckon it might pass the wife approval factor (WAF) test for a position in the living room (my “black loud crap” has long since been confined to my den). I’m also a heathen because I would (at least try to) run Windows XP Media Center Edition and SUSE Linux on it… let’s just hope the current rumours of Windows running on a Mac turn out to be true!
Apple might not have achieved mass market domination in the PC world, but they sure have things sorted (at least for now) with digital media. Happy birthday Apple.