I got burned by [Google] FeedBurner

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

On Friday night I wrote a post which optimistically suggested that I’d successfully migrated this site’s RSS feeds from FeedBurner to the new Google FeedBurner platform. Unfortunately many people won’t have seen that post (at least not until after I spent a good chunk of my weekend enlisting the support of known subscribers to try and work out why the primary URL given out for this site’s RSS feed wasn’t working: Thanks go to Bill Minton, Alistair Doran, Garry Martin and Aaron Parker) – it all turned out to be because FeedBurner’s instructions for users of their MyBrand service have a vital step missing…

I’ve made the point before that free online services are not necessarily an ideal solution but nevertheless, many of us rely on them and hopefully my experiences will help out others who are going through the (soon to be forced) migration from the (old) FeedBurner platform to (new) Google FeedBurner.

If it ain’t broke, why fix it?

Some time ago, Google bought FeedBurner. That’s not all bad – I’m sure the guys who started FeedBurner were pretty stoked, and for us customers (who, after all, were largely using free services), things got better as premium services like MyBrand (more on that in a moment) were made free.

It was inevitable that at some point the service would be absorbed into Google’s infrastructure and if I hadn’t moved voluntarily in my own timescales (i.e. over a period when I was off work and potentially had some time to deal with any resulting issues), account migration would have been forced upon me at the end of this month.

What’s all the fuss about?

I may not have the largest blog in the world but I’ve worked hard for several years to get this blog to where it is now. With that in mind, I approached this migration with some trepedation but the Transferring FeedBurner Accounts to Google Accounts FAQ made it all sound pretty straightforward, including this text:

“Will I lose all my subscribers in this process?
You should not lose any readers of your feed during this transition process. All feeds.feedburner.com URLs will redirect your readers to feeds hosted by Google.


I use MyBrand, the service that allows me to map a domain I own to my feed. Do I need to change anything?
Yes. After transferring your account, you will be sent an email with instructions on how to change MyBrand. You can also get these instructions on the MyAccount page after the transfer.

You will be required to change your DNS CNAME to the Google hosted domain service, the same service that handles custom domains for Google applications like Blogger and Google Apps for Your Domain.

Please note that the CNAME will no longer be the same domain as the domain that serves feeds, but the service level and functionality will be identical.”

That all sounded straightfoward enough, so I followed the migration steps on FeedBurner’s website until I saw a message that indicated successful completion. The follow-up e-mail included this text:

“Important! If you use MyBrand, FeedBurner’s custom-domain service, you need to make a very important change to ensure your feeds remain available to subscribers using your custom domain(s).

To make this change in your Google account, follow the instructions listed in your account’s new MyBrand page: http://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mybrand”

I followed the instructions (i.e. made the changes to my DNS zone) but, 48 hours later (and after confirming that the name was resolving correctly) I was still receiving HTTP 404 (Not Found) errors when I used the http://feeds.markwilson.co.uk/marksweblog/ URL (i.e. the one that uses the FeedBurner MyBrand service to redirect subscribers to the real location.

The missing step

Double-checking my account settings and the DNS record I had edited, I decided to deactivate the MyBrand service and reactivate it. Some time later (I’m not sure exactly how long afterwards, but not long) the 404s were gone and I was able to check with some of my subscribers that their feeds were updated with posts from after the migration. Whilst I waited for this confirmation, another FeedBurner user confirmed that this had worked for him too but it would be good if the instructions included this step…

Why is this Google’s problem?

To be fair to FeedBurner/Google, buried in a post on the FeedBurner Status Blog is this text:

“4-DEC 2008: Have you recently moved your feeds to a Google account? Seeing a ‘404’ error when trying to view your feeds, and you use our MyBrand service? Try the following workaround to fix the problem:

  1. Sign in to feedburner.google.com.
  2. Visit My Account > MyBrand.
  3. Click the remove link next to your current MyBrand domain(s), and then click Save.
  4. Re-enter the domain(s) you removed in the previous step and then click Save.
  5. Try to view the feed(s) that were showing 404 errors before. They should now display your content.”

It should be noted though that these instructions don’t work (there is no remove option in the new interface)… and there is nothing more recent in the blog about this.

Meanwhile, the MyBrand page in the FeedBurner account settings is typically Googlite in its tone, basically telling us that we’re welcome to use the service but if it breaks we’re on our own.

FeedBurner provides no technical support for MyBrand; you must configure DNS settings correctly with your domain/web hosting provider’s help. More technical detail and discussion of the requirements for using this service are available in this Help topic.

It can take up to 24 hours for a new CNAME entry to take effect. If your new feed address isn’t working, have a nice day and check back tomorrow.”

Thanks a bunch Google. My DNS is fine… but your migration process is broken and it seems that you don’t provide any method to report the problem.

Several other people have written about this problem (including one particularly useful post on the whole migration process) so it’s certainly not an isolated case but Google responses are nowhere to be seen on this two-week old post on the FeedBurner Help Group (providing a service without formal support is one thing but monitoring your own help forums is a basic courtesy).


Ironically, the FeedBurner MyBrand service (which let’s me host a FeedBurner Feed under my domain name) that caused this a problem but, because I use this service, many of the subscribers to this blog are using a URL that is under one of my domains (so, ultimately, under my control). This problem may have cost me a good chunk of my weekend but at least I got it fixed and if I hadn’t been able to work out what was happening then I would have reverted to serving the feed directly from WordPress (with the consequential hit on bandwidth and loss of analytics). Imagine if I had a popular blog with a large number of subscribers that wasn’t hosted on my own domain name and the service went belly-up…

RSS feeds migrated to a new host – hopefully everything is still working

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

For almost as long as this blog has been up and running I’ve been using FeedBurner to manage the RSS feeds. It’s been working well for years but Google bought FeedBurner a while back and tonight my feeds were migrated to the big G.

Those who are subscribed to http://feeds.markwilson.co.uk/marksweblog/ shouldn’t see any changes (at least not if I made the DNS changes correctly) but there may still be a few people subscribed using old feed addresses (e.g. http://feeds.feedburner.com/marksweblog/) and these might not always work (sadly this is outside my control). If you do find that my posts stop appearing in your RSS reader, please try resubscribing to the site feed.

Thanks for sticking with me.

[Update 31 January 2009: There seems to be a problem with the main feed as it’s returning HTTP 404 (Not Found) error pages (even where DNS propagation is complete)]

[Update 1 February 2009: The 404s are fixed; a full description of what went wrong has been posted; please let me know (assuming you can read this) if you find any other issues with the feed].

Are web services really the right answer for small business IT?

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

A few months ago I moved my home/small business IT to Google Apps. After a few years of running my own servers, it was a big step for me to trust someone else to run it for me but it seems to be working OK… up to a point.

You see, Google may be managing my e-mail, calendar, etc. but they are not backing it up. After all, it’s not very often that you get something for nothing in this world and that’s what I’m paying Google – nothing. So, I needed to find a way to back up my GMail (I have the information on how to do this – I just haven’t finished putting the process in place). Then there’s the migration of my previous Exchange Server data to Google. It’s possible, but painfully slow, using a client application to transfer messages with frequent timeouts (with 10 years’ worth of e-mail to transfer, I’ve given up for the time being – and that’s just for one user).

Software as a service is all very well, backed up with proper service level agreements – but using anything less than that in a business context is really a bit risky.

After all, what happens when that service that you’re paying absolute nothing for stops working?

But it’s really reliable – isn’t it? Yes, undoubtably, Google Apps and competing platforms are reliable but not entirely infallible. And when they fail, you can bet your bottom dollar that it won’t be a good time for you.

Yesterday I was trying to send e-mail from Google Apps Mail (GMail) and I got an HTTP error 500 (server generated error). Today I’ve been having a few problems too – and I’ve had to turn off Calendar and Contacts syncing with my iPhone (where iTunes syncs with Google) because it was hanging… so it seems that all is not well in the part of the cloud where my data sits.

Google Mail server unavailable error

But it’s not exclusively a Google problem. FolderShare is too old - time to upgradeSeeing what Microsoft is doing around Windows Live wave three had made me start to think that maybe I backed the wrong horse until the early hours of this morning, when I sat down at my Mac to be told that the version of Windows Live FolderShare I was using no longer worked and that I should upgrade to Windows Live Sync (just like that, without any warning, although it does seem that some users received an e-mail in advance). Even though I’m really busy at the moment, trying to juggle work (where it’s appraisal season and I need to make sure I hit all of my management’s ill-thought-out-and-not-very-SMART objectives), exam study (MCSE 2003 to MCITP Enterprise Administrator 2008 upgrade), blogging (not much of that happening right now), podcasting (ditto), Christmas preparations, spending some time with my family, etc., etc., I did update to Windows Live Sync… Windows Live Sync is too old too...only to find that the current Mac client also claims to be too old and that I should download a new version from… the place where I downloaded this version from – arghh… (at least it seems I’m not alone).

And so what exactly is my point? Well, my point is that, when I operate the infrastructure, I plan when the upgrades happen – I don’t just sit down at my computer one day to be told that I must upgrade right now to continue using a service. Frankly I could do without this week’s Google Apps problems, Windows Live Sync upgrades, etc. and would rather upgrade at my convenience.

Cloud computing is all very well – but the current wave of web services are not ready for the enterprise and I’m even starting to question whether they are ready for small business IT (at least not without retaining some on premise IT service provision). I’m sure that the chargeable services that Amazon, Microsoft, et al are putting together will change things over time but it’s still early days yet and running a business on free, pre-release software (yes, that’s what a beta is – even if it’s an incessant beta) is probably not a smart idea.

Why using an iPhone with multiple mail accounts is not as simple as it should be

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Whilst balancing childcare duties with work commitments last week, I was working some pretty irregular hours but wanted to keep tabs on my e-mail – so I connected my iPhone to the Exchange Server at work.

Nothing unremarkable there – iPhone v2.0 software includes Microsoft ActiveSync support and it worked – as it should. Unfortunately it still leaves a lot to be desired – not on the Exchange Server side but with Apple’s mail client implementation. For a company which is so focused on user experience, they don’t appear to have thought too much about this one…

You see, I have two mail accounts – one for home/small business (using Google Apps Email) – and one for work (using Microsoft Exchange Server 2007). The iPhone lets me configure multiple accounts and both work well – especially Exchange Server which has excellent push e-mail support (I often hear a message arrive on the phone before I see the notification on my Windows PC), remote wipe (according the the iPhone and iPod Touch Enterprise Deployment guide – I’ve not tested wiping my device from Exchange just yet but I can see the option there!) and more.

Mobile device view in Exchange Server 2007 web access - showing an iPhone

My problem is that, even though the mail client supports multiple accounts, switching from one Inbox to the other involves navigating five screens (out of one Inbox and up to the account level, then back to the Accounts screen, into another account, and finally into the other Inbox).

That’s not all – Apple seem to think that the reason for having multiple accounts is to bring all of my e-mail into one place – but surely if that’s what I wanted I would forward one mailbox to the other and access a single Inbox? Instead, I deliberately keep my work and private life separate (albeit on one device). The iPhone updates the new message indicator on the home screen to include the sum of all accounts (fair enough) but it only seems to allow me to set one signature for all accounts – and I want to use different contact details (e-mail address, phone number, job titles, etc.) for different accounts.

You see that’s the trouble with Apple products: they look great; they’re really simple to use (mostly) but sometimes you can oversimplify things and impact on flexibility.

A quick Google tip

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Many Google services on the google.com domain will try to detect your location and customise the results using the local language. This caught me out a few days ago when I was using a guest Wi-Fi connection at Microsoft and got the Google homepage in Dutch (presumably Microsoft UK’s Internet access is routed via the Netherlands) and tonight I fired up Google Reader in my hotel room and found it was in German (I’m using an iBAHN Internet connection).

Not to worry – just manually change the top level domain in the browser address bar to use a specific country (e.g. I switched from http://www.google.com/reader/ to http://www.google.co.uk/reader/) and the interface should switch to the chosen locale.

Google Developer Day 2008

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

In the past, I’ve been accused of writing too much Microsoft-focused content on this blog and, in my defence, this blog advertises itself as follows:

“Originally created as a place for me to store some notes, this blog comments on my daily encounters with technology and aims to share some of this knowledge with fellow systems administrators and technical architects across the ‘net. Amazingly, it’s become quite popular!”

My daily encounters with technology… well, as I’m an infrastructure architect who (mostly) works with Microsoft products, that would explain the volume of Microsoft stuff around here… but in order to be credible (and retain some objectivity) when I’m talking about Microsoft products, I’m also interested in what their competitors are doing. That’s why I’m also a Mac user and I dabble with Linux from time to time; my website uses an open source CMS (WordPress), running on Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (classic LAMP); I keep an eye on what VMware is up to; and, as well as using a bunch of Google products on the web I recently started using Google Apps for e-mail, calendar and contacts.

Google Developer Day 2008Since the Microsoft-Yahoo! merger-that-wasn’t, I’ve become increasingly interested in Microsoft’s online offerings and consequently I’m also watching the dominant force in Internet search as they expand into other areas online – that’s why I spent today at the Google Developer Day 2008. Aside from being an opportunity to visit the new Wembley Stadium (I do think they should have incorporated the iconic twin towers from the old stadium somewhere in the new structure), it’s a chance for me to find out a little about the technologies that Google is pushing right now. I feel a bit of a fraud as I’m not really a developer but I answered the registration form truthfully and Google accepted me here, so I guess that’s OK!

Over the course of the day, I noted some brief (and sometimes frivolous) highlights from the various sessions – think of it as a microblog in one post. Where I understand enough of the dev stuff, I’ll follow up with more detail later…

Stage at Google Developer Day 2008[08.20] Right from the off, it’s been a positive experience. After arriving at the venue almost an hour before registration was due to commence, I was allowed in, invited to have a coffee and some breakfast, and a really helpful guy went and found me my delegate badge. Now I’m sitting here enjoying the free Wi-Fi (and grabbing one of the few seats that’s situated next to a floorbox so I can keep my notebook PC’s battery charged during the keynote).

Google Developer Day 2008 - rooms named after classic arcade games[8.55] As I sat in the “Space Invaders” room waiting for the keynote session to begin, I was thinking that nnly Google would name the session rooms after classic computer games. Now it all makes sense… I just heard that the keynote will include the first public demo of the Android phone!

[9.10] Someone just changed the SSID on the Wi-Fi and I lost my connection mid-post… arghhh!

[9.30] I now have the rest of my delegate pack… including a snazzy gift-wrapped parcel…

Green parcel from Google Developer Day 2008


Little green Google man from Google Developer Day 2008Little green man USB key from Google Developer Day 2008

A little green man… hang on… he’s removed his head – what’s he doing inside my Mac?

(It’s OK, he’s just giving me a copy of all the materials I might need to make the most of today).

[09:59] What can’t Microsoft events be this much fun?

[10:00] The keynote is about to start…

[10:25] This keynote has lots of slides, few words, lots of pictures. I like it. Whatever the opposite of death by PowerPoint is, this is it.

[10:30] Mike Jennings is performing the first European demo of Android – the open source mobile stack.

Android demo at Google Developer Day 2008

[10:50] The keynote was an overview of what Google is doing to help people develop for the web. Highlights were:

  • The theme for today is client-cloud-connectivity:
    • Making the client more powerful.
    • Making the cloud more accessible.
    • Connecting pervasively.
  • Google Chrome is 100% open source (based on WebKit and the V8 JavaScript engine), designed to support today’s rich Internet applications.
  • Gears is a browser plugin to enable web application functionality that was previously only available on the desktop.
  • Google has two types of API – the various data APIs and those which provide AJAX functionality – both are designed to make Google services programmatically accessible.
  • Google App Engine allows organisation to run their application on the Google infrastructure in an attempt to overcome the financial and administrative hurdles associated with traditional computing.
  • Android provides a mobile application stack.
  • Google Web Toolkit (GWT) allows applications to be written in Java and run in cross-browser compiled JavaScript.
  • OpenSocial provides a family of APIs for connecting social websites.

Android at Google Developer Day 2008[11:10] Hoping to learn more about Android in Mike Jenning’s session “An introduction to Android”…

[11:15] There’s no code in this session… I should be able to cope then ;-)

[11:25] Mike seems a nice guy but he’s clearly learning this deck as he goes…

[11:30] Into Q&A already?!

[11:50] 35 minutes to go and the Q&A is getting hard for the presenter… what’s interesting to me is that this Google-led presentation has degenerated into a group of developers and users feeding back to Google on things like security, usability, and other common considerations for mobile application development that don’t seem to have been considered. Some of the questions are tough… but that should be expected given the forum.

[12:00] He’s desperate to end this session (twice now he’s asked how much longer to go on for…). Poor guy – I feel really sorry for him the way this session has gone but there was nothing here that shouldn’t have been expected. Hopefully Google has a better idea of the state of the mobile market than this session would indicate.

[12:05] There’s a guy on the front row writing a book: Professional Android Application Development (to be published by Wrox with a November 2008 release date).

[12:20] It seemed to me that Mike was strangled by the Google PR machine but, thanks to his great sense of humour, he still managed to end the session on a high note. Key points were:

  • Based on a poll of the room, around 50% of people have more than one mobile handset; 25% of people have no land-line at home; and there was no-one here that does not have a mobile. This should be caveated heavily – this was a room full of geeks – but it is nevertheless an interesting study.
  • Android is an open mobile handset project: an open development model; open to the industry (free to carriers/manufacturers/enthusiasts); open to the developer with the ability to integrate at a deep level in the stack (e.g. replacing the dialler).
  • The Android runtime environment is implemented in Java running on a Linux kernel. Some classes are unavailable (i.e. those that are not relevant to mobile computing).
  • Android should be expected during the 4th quarter of 2008.
  • Google appears unprepared for the questions that will be asked of any new platform around security, usability, upgradability – over even why people will choice Android over more established competition. Maybe they are prepared but to quote Mike Jennings, “these kind of questions are over my pay grade”.

[12:25] Ooo! Curly Wurlys on the snack table!

[12:30] I like geek t-shirts – I just saw one which said “Gears – we power the Tubes”

[12:35] In this session Aaron Boodman will be talking talking about Google Gears… let’s hope that he is allowed to say more than Mike Jennings was.

[13:10] Great session – gave me just enough to learn something about the APIs that Gears provides. Key points were:

  • Gears is a browser extension which provides JavaScript APIs for web application development, available for Internet Explorer (5 or later), Mozilla Firefox (1.5 or later), WIndows Mobile, Chrome (which is built on Gears) and now Safari. Android will support gears (at the moment it just has a stub API).
  • Gears is now a year old and has dropped its Google prefix.
  • Gears is not just about offline access to web applications although the initial implementation was about a database, local server and worker pool.
  • APIs include desktop shortcuts, file system, binary object access and geolocation.

[13:15] I’ve just managed to sneak a quick peak outside at the stadium itself – it’s very impressive. We’ve been asked not to use any photos that identify Wembley Stadium for commercial purposes but this is just a personal snapshot (actually, it’s five of them, stitched together in Photoshop CS3).

The new Wembley Stadium

(Someone seems to have stolen half the pitch…)

[13:30] Fooling around whilst waiting for lunch…

Me at Google Developer Day 2008

[14:50] I thought that my web access was fast here… I just ran a speed test and I’m getting about 14Mbps! This is the best Internet access I’ve ever had at a conference.

[14:55] Looking around the delegates it seems that Macs are pretty common among developers who follow Google technologies! I reckon I’ve seen 2-3 MacBooks for every PC laptop here today (and several of the PCs I saw were running Linux)… as someone who lives primarily in the Microsoft world, this is an interesting experience.

[15:00] Ryan Boyd is just starting to talk about mashing up Google APIs… hopefully I can keep up!

[16:10] That was hard work but I just about held in there… Ryan demonstrated a number of APIs working together, including example code. A few points to note:

  • AtomPub is used to define feeds (mostly for blog syndication), made up of entries containing additional information.
  • Four methods are applied to feeds (create, retrieve, update, delete) and these relate to the equivalent HTTP communications (post, get, put, delete).
  • Standard HTTP status codes are returned.
  • Google has extended AtomPub to provide:
    • A data model.
    • Batch operations.
    • Authentication (client login with username and password, AuthSub or OAuth).
      Alternate output formats for non-Atom data (e.g. RSS, KML, JSON).
  • The OAuth Playground is a good place to understand how OAuth authentication works – AuthSub is similar in some ways and has been around longer but OAuth is a standardised implementation and should grow over time.

[16:20] My little green man now has some blue and red playmates.

[16:25] Next up, Google Web Toolkit (GWT): the technical advantage, presented by Sumit Chandel. This will also be developer heavy (this is a developer day after all!) so I may struggle again…

[16:35] Just noticed that quite a few people are using sub-notebook PCs here…

[16:50] And I’ve never seen as many stickers on PCs as I have today… maybe that’s a dev thing too?!

[17:15] Into Q&A now, I won’t understand the answers but to summarise the key points from the GWT session:

  • GWT allows developers to write AJAX applications more quickly, compiling Java into optimised JavaScript and employing techniques such as deferred binding to ensure that only those elements that are required for the local browser implementation are used.
  • Browser quirks are no longer a problem – GWT handles these for all supported browsers.
  • With GWT, there are no more memory leaks! A bold statement and actually there may be some where JavaScript native interface (JSNI) calls are made but there should be none for pure GWT applications (read more in Joel Webber’s article on DOM events, memory leaks and you).
  • GWT adds history support to AJAX applications with its implementation of really simple history (RSH).
  • GWT enables code reuse through design patterns.
  • Faster application development is accommodated using IDEs such as Eclipse and other Java tools bust specifically, GWT allows for debugging in bytecode.

[17:20] Just swapped my evaluation form for a t-shirt… my kids will love the Google icons on the front!

Google Developer Day 2008 T-Shirt

[17:45] Google has a new UK developer blog – and they just showed us a cool wrap-up video from the day – hopefully that will be on YouTube later. [Update: here it is, courtesy of Youtube]:

[17:50] Look! A Googler – complete with lab-coat!

Google employee with labcoat at Google Developer Day 2008

[17:55] Mmm… beer!

[17:55] And the fun continues… with giant Chess, Connect 4, Jenga, arcade games (including Pacman and Space Invaders), Mega Blocks… and… somewhat bizarrely, a PHP Elephant!

PHP Elephant

[18:15] Whilst chatting with Tim Anderson, he made a very valid point that I hadn’t considered whilst I was getting excited about technology – Google is an advertising company and, unlike Microsoft or any of the other vendors that I enjoy a relationship with, they don’t need to sell software – they just want people to use their search, etc. and if their vision of the web continues to develop the ad revenues should keep on rolling in too.

[18:20] Just looked out of the window and saw that the turf is slowly returning to Wembley’s pitch. Only about a quarter missing now!

[18:35] Now that is a good use for the presentation projectors… Wii Sports/Guitar Hero II!

Playing games on the projectors after Google Developer Day 2008

[18:55] Mmm… pizza!

[20:00] I really should head home now!

I’ve really enjoyed this event – a fantastic opportunity to learn more about Google’s developer tools and APIs and, who knows, I may even get around to implementing some of them here (if this site ever gets its long awaited AJAX overhaul). From chatting with the event organisers, I learned that this was the second annual Google Developer Day in the UK and there were just over 500 people here today. Google is looking to run more events as their portfolio expands – possibly even some smaller, more focused, events but, for me, this was the perfect balance between a conference (for which my employer is unlikely to support attendance, based on recent experience) and the shorter events – providing a small amount of information on a wide variety of topics.

Hopefully I’ll be at next years GDD too. As for the Microsoft posts… normal service will be resumed at 9am tomorrow.

Using Google Apps for e-mail and contact management

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

A couple of weeks back, I wrote about how I’d switched a big chunk of my home/small business IT to Google Apps and was using it as part of a solution to keep my work and personal calendars separate, but in sync.

Calendar is all very well, but e-mail is still my main communications tool. So how have I found the switch to Google Mail and how do I keep my contacts in sync between devices? Actually, it’s been remarkably straightforward but I have learnt a few things along the way and this post describes the way I have things working.

Switching to GMail was as simple as updating the MX records for my domain but having done so, I needed to get my various devices working together – that means home and work computers as well as my iPhone.

My home computer is a Mac, so I simply enabled IMAP access on my Google Apps mail account and made sure I followed Google’s recommended client settings for setting up Apple Mail. There’s not more to say really – Google provides an IMAP Service and Apple provides an IMAP client.

Apple Mail

On a Windows PC I would have used Windows Mail/Outlook Express (depending on the version of Windows) or Outlook to achieve the same thing. Even so, on the Windows PC that I use for work, I have Google Chrome installed, so I set myself up with a Chrome application shortcut for my Google Apps e-mail account. It’s only webmail, but GMail is dripping with AJAX and so highly functional and very usable.

Google Mail as a Chrome application

With my PCs set up, that left the iPhone. Again, Google publishes advice for configuring IMAP with the iPhone (as well as recommended client settings) and I followed it. Folder list in Mail on the iPhone
I’m still a little confused about what is being saved where – my iPhone mail application has a Sent folder with some items in, but there’s another one called Sent Mail underneath [Google Mail] – similarly, I have two Drafts folders – as well as both Trash and Deleted Messages. None of that really matters though as all my mail seems to be in the Google Mail account (automagically… I’m not going to get too hung up on the details). Push e-mail would be nice (at the moment I have to tell the phone to periodically check for e-mail) but I’m sure Google will add that feature in time – the important thing is that it seems to work.

I tend to use the iPhone’s built-in mail application most of the time but the iPhone interface to GMail is pretty good too and has the advantage that it groups messages by conversation, rather than using the traditional approach of showing individual messages.

Mail on the iPhoneGoogle Mail on the iPhone

With e-mail working, I turned my attention to my contacts. Google Mail was doing a good job of identifying the people I’d sent e-mail to and creating associated contacts but I wanted to make that I had the same contact list available natively on the Mac and the iPhone. No problem – the Mac OS X Address Book application includes Google Contact syncing although I’m a little confused why I have it enabled in both the Address Book application and in iTunes (Contact Sync uses iTunes for synchronisation). Then, Address Book and iTunes worked together to make the contacts available on the iPhone (regardless of the Google part of the solution).

It’s worth noting that I didn’t think the address book synchronisation was working, but signing out of Google Mail (and then back in again) seemed to force a refresh of the contact information inside Google Mail.

Importantly, Google Mail’s contact functionality does not destroy information stored for contacts that it doesn’t know what to do with. For example, I’ve followed Jaka Jančar’s advice for adding Skype usernames to the OS X Address Book and Google Mail just ignores the extra information.

That just left bringing all of my legacy e-mail into my Google Apps mailbox. I haven’t been brave enough to do that yet (actually, it needs a lot of consolidation first) but I will do it eventually – and, when I do, I’ll be sure to blog about how it went…

Chrome gears for my desktop

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Google Gears logoFor the last week, I’ve only used two browsers on my Windows PC – Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 and Google Chrome beta – and I’ve been really impressed at how these two browsers have shaken up my surfing. There’s plenty of sites on the ‘net comparing the two browsers (so I won’t do that here) but one thing I heard Paul Thurrott discussing with Leo Laporte on Windows Weekly (Episode 73) was the integration of Google Gears into the Chrome browser. I hadn’t realised that Chrome included Gears (although, now I come to think of it, the installation error I experienced when I was installing Chrome referred to Gears) and it is really cool.

Let me give you an example, a few minutes back, I had a power spike at home. The computers stayed on but my ADSL connection was dropped, as was the WiFi connection from my DNS server to the router… I didn’t even notice – I was happily writing a blog post in WordPress through Chrome and it kept on without missing a beat. Only when I tried to surf to some new sites did I realise there was a problem.

Creating a Google Gears application in Google ChromeBut it gets better (credits to Paul Thurrott for pointing this out) – if you click the drop down menu in Chrome with a file icon, you can select to create application shortcuts. This creates a standalone instance of the current page with optional icons on the desktop, quick launch bar or start menu. I now have Gears applications for Google Reader, Google Mail, Google Calendar and WordPress (I’m using the WordPress one to write this post).

Google Reader in a Chrome/Gears application

(The last time I was interested in things like chrome and gears, I was a teenager and the context would have been my bike…)

Installation error for Google Chrome

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

I’m not going to review Google Chrome – there’s plenty of people doing that all over the Internet at the moment; however I did run across an interesting error whilst trying to install it on a Windows Server 2008 (x64) computer today. I downloaded the installer from Internet Explorer 8 beta 2 and after downloading, I elected to run the installer. UAC was not invoked (it would normally be expected for an executable with the word setup in the filename) but installation failed with the following error:

Error 1625 when installing Google Chrome

I retried the installation with Administrator privileges and it succeeded, suggesting that this error was caused by insufficient permissions.

Using Google Apps with Outlook 2007 to keep my personal and work life in sync

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Last year, I wrote a very long blog post on the problems I was having with calendar synchronisation but I never reached the point where I was ready to publish it. Almost a year on, and I finally have something that’s working well for me but, as it’s such a long story, I’ve tidied up the original post and published it (for the full history) and I’ll write a new one here that describes the working scenario.

Calendar synchronisation… shouldn’t it all be a bit easier than this?

First up – to recap on the original problems:

  • Due to limitations with Microsoft Office’s Online calendar functionality. I was synchronising local calendars at home and work, using Google Calendar (GCal) as an intermediary.
  • The main problem was synchronisation between Outlook 2007 and GCal and, after trying a huge list of products, each of which nearly worked, but not quite, I got it working using CompanionLink for Google; however the various other products I’d used along the way had left me with duplicate and missing calendar entries – and a sour taste in my mouth.
  • On the Mac at home, Apple iCal was working with GCal but there were still some issues around synchronisation with a local Exchange Server via Entourage.

Back to the drawing board

After having implemented Google Apps for my home/small business IT, I decided to have another go at calendar synchronisation.

This time, to minimise the scope for synchronisation errors, rather than merging my work calendar into my home calendar, I decided to set up another Google Calendar to mirror the Exchange one I use for work. In addition, the process was simplified as Google now has a synchronisation product (Google Calendar Sync) which can handle the Exchange/Outlook-Google side of things and I am no longer using Entourage or Exchange Server at home.

The whole thing looks something like this:

Calendar syncing between home and work

As can be seen in the diagram, I actually have three calendars:

  1. My work calendar exists on a corporate Microsoft Exchange server (accessible via Outlook Web Access but primarily used with Outlook).
  2. I’ve also created a Google Calendar to hold a copy of this “work” calendar in the cloud and Google Calendar Sync does the magic to keep the two in sync.
  3. Finally, there’s my “personal” calendar, which lives at Google Apps.

Google Calendar sync is set up for a 2-way sync and, even though I can synchronise as frequently as every 10 minutes, Outlook performance suffers whilst the sync is taking place so I have it set to synchronise hourly. The main drawbacks with this approach are: the need for a client helper application; the 1:1 nature of the synchronisation (i.e. you cannot sync with multiple calendars); and the inability to set synchronisation schedules (or even to control the date range for synchronisation) – on the other hand, it’s free.

In Google Calendar, I have given my Google Apps account access to my “work” calendar, which means that I have full read-write access to it from anywhere that I use Google Apps. That access could be via a browser, of using native applications on my iPhone, MacBook, or another device (e.g. a Windows PC). Basically, my work calendar is visible everywhere.

My “personal” calendar is… personal. I can access it directly from any of the devices that I use for accessing Google Apps but I don’t want my colleagues to know that I have certain appointments and one thing I found with the Google Calendar Sync (luckily I spotted it early) was that appointments marked as private in Outlook were visible once they got to Google Calendar. I still need to think about how to pass my personal free/busy information back to Outlook/Exchange at work but, for now, my “personal” calendar exists in Google Apps and is visible in my “work” Google Calendar account but I don’t sync it back to Outlook. Basically, if I look at Outlook, I see work appointments but if I open a browser and got to the Google Calendar, I can see work and personal information.

What does it all look like?

In this screen-shot of Outlook 2007 connected to my corporate Exchange Server, my “work” calendar is visible but there are no appointments from my “personal” calendar:

Outlook Calendar

Viewing either of the Google calendars in a browser (in this case it’s Safari on a Mac) shows my “work” and “personal” calendars using different colours:

Multiple calendars viewed in Google Calendar

I can also subscribe to these calendars using the iCalendar protocol from Apple iCal, Windows Calendar (or another desktop client):

Multiple calendars in Apple iCal
Multiple calendars in Windows Calendar

On the iPhone, I can use either the built in calendar application or a browser application (I prefer the browser version as the iPhone Calendar assigns different colours to the various calendars):

Multiple calendars in the iPhone Calendar applicationMultiple calendars viewed in Google Calendar on an iPhone

You may notice that I also subscribe to a public calendar which provides the details of UK public holidays. Doing this means that the public holidays show up in my calendar using a different colour to the other calendars but there are other calendars that I could subscribe to – for instance sports calendars (e.g. the Northampton Saints fixture list) – or anything that uses the iCalendar format described in RFC 2445.

Summary and other points of note

In all, this solution seems to be working remarkably well for me and provides a suitable level of abstraction between work and personal calendar details whilst still letting me (and my family – or anyone else that I share my calendars with) see everything that I’m up to. I still need to work on getting personal free/busy details to populate my “work” calendar but, other than that, I’m pretty happy with the solution – and all of the software involved is free (apart from Outlook and Exchange Server – for which the licenses are provided by my employer).

I’m using Google’s technology but I could also have used Microsoft products, as Sarah Perez describes with Windows Live Calendar and the Outlook Connector. Either should work – it’s just a matter of preference – and as I was already using Google Apps for one part of the solution, adding Windows Live Calendar into the mix seemed to over-complicate things slightly for me.

Finally, this information may be useful when diagnosing problems: