Passed Microsoft Certified Professional exam 70-224

This content is 20 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Today I passed the Microsoft Certified Professional exam 70-224: Installing, configuring and administering Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.

Microsoft’s non-disclosure agreement prevents me from saying too much about the exam but much to my relief I scored maximum points in three areas (“installing and upgrading Exchange 2000 Server”, “configuring Exchange 2000 Server” and “managing Exchange 2000 server growth”) – as someone who primarily designs and implements systems (rather than performing daily operational and administrative tasks) I would have hoped these would have been my strong areas!

It may seem odd taking an Exchange 2000 Server exam in 2004, but I booked this a year ago (whilst I was still working with Exchange 2000) and if I didn’t take it by tomorrow then I would have just lost my money! Perhaps I’ll get around to doing an Exchange Server 2003 exam soon, but I need to start working with the product again first…

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