Blogging from within Microsoft Office

This content is 17 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

I’ve just started using Microsoft Office OneNote again (last time I tried, I lost all my data after a hard disk crash and, as I’m so bad at backups, I stuck with paper for a while but now my bookshelf is getting a bit full of Black n’ Red spiral bound notebooks and it really is time I got back with the program).

Spending as much time on the road as I do, and looking at the state of my desk, I’m determined to progress towards a paperless office and I’m convinced that OneNote is part of that solution – even if you’re not using a tablet PC (I’m not), it’s just a great way to stay organised.

Anyway, tonight I found another great feature – the Blog This option in OneNote (actually it’s in Word, but OneNote exposes the option as a simple right-click). Just tell it your blog provider details and it will send the current page from your notebook to your blog. Epstein Llewellyn’s has written a great tuturial for WordPress users.

Those who’ve tried writing HTML in Word before will be pleased to hear that it didn’t even create any HTML bloat!

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