DVD burning issues in Mac OS X fixed by restarting Finder

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

I was just packing up my stuff for another few nights away from home and thought it was about time I backed up my photos (been a bit slack on the backups again recently…).Unfortunately, Mac OS X didn’t want to burn a DVD for me, reporting that:This disc could not be used because the disc drive is not supported (Error code 0x80020025)That seemed strange as the drive in question is the superdrive that came with my MacBook.The Apple discussion forums are down right now (displaying a page that says “We’ll be back soon”) and most of the “advice” I found on other sites (or in Google’s cache) was concerned with people having problems after upgrading old Macs from CD to DVD, or was telling people that there are different sorts of optical media (yeah, I know – all I want to do is burn a few files to a DVD – as data, not as something that will play back in a consumer device – how hard can it be?).Thankfully, I found Chris J. Davis’ post describing the issue which suggests restarting the Finder. It worked too (force quit Finder and relaunch).I guess Apple is just trying to make switchers feel at home – forced application restarts on the Mac feels just like running Windows (Explorer)…

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