Enabling website compression to reduce bandwidth use

This content is 14 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

After years of steady growth, markwilson.it has seen a small drop in the number of blog subscribers in recent months.  To me this means one of two things:

  • Perhaps RSS is no longer the most useful way to consume blog content (for example, I rarely read RSS feeds these days and rely instead on what friends, peers and industry contacts “talk” about on Twitter to understand what’s worth reading.  I know that many of my readers follow me on Twitter @markwilsonit too).
  • People don’t like my posts.

If I’m brutally honest with myself, it’s most likely to be the latter – after years of blogging furiously, I have seriously scaled back – partly (mostly) due to a lack of time – and so I guess some people have assumed that I’m no longer blogging (or at least not blogging enough that’s interesting enough to keep in their feed reader).  That’s a shame – and it’s not really something that I want to see becoming a continuing trend.

Graph showing bandwidth growing and exceeding quotaStrangely though, as my blog output has dropped significantly, and my subscribers have dropped (ever so slightly), my bandwidth usage has continued to rise – to the point that my hosting provider actually dropped the site returning a “bandwidth exceeded” message to readers recently (thankfully, this was resolved within a very short time of me noticing and bringing it to their attention).  When I started to look into this, I found that the biggest jump in bandwidth usage related to my upgrade from WordPress 2.2 to 2.9 in January.  I couldn’t understand why the same database, same theme, etc. running on a new version of WordPress would result in a significant increase in bandwidth usage until I saw that WordPress no longer contains an option to compress content for clients that support it, or, in WordPress parlance: “WordPress now leaves compression as a decision for the server”.

There are loads of plugins out there to enable GZIP compression on WordPress 2.5 and later; however I found that the WordPress guys are right – the simplest way is often to let the web server handle the compression – after all, I’d like to compress content (and save bandwidth) for all of my content, regardless of whether it’s served from WordPress.

I found the answer in Ryan Williamscomment on a post at Il Filosofo – by adding a few lines to my .htaccess file (after checking that my host has the deflate module enabled in Apache), I saw a 72% reduction in the bandwidth required to serve my home page.  This is the code I added:

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/css text/plain text/xml application/x-javascript application/json application/x-httpd-php application/x-httpd-fastphp application/rss+xml application/atom_xml application/x-httpd-eruby
Header append Vary Accept-Encoding

In a nutshell, this tells the server to deflate various text-based document types.  Job done.  There are various tools available on the ‘net to see if a site has compression enabled (such as GIDZipTest) but my favourite is Is My Blog Working because it also tells me about some other items that I might like to look into to potentially improve the efficiency of the site.  Hopefully now I’ll see my bandwidth fall back within my quota – which should also please my hosting provider.

Major WordPress update completed

This content is 14 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

For all my words about how it’s important for sysadmins to patch systems, this website has been running on an old (approx 2 years out of date) version of WordPress, pending a major database cleanup and site redesign.

Eventually, my requirement to move to an up-to-date platform became more critical than the need to sort out my categories and tags (which date back to before WordPress supported tags), cleanup the database, and make everything all fresh and lovely (as Long Zheng did recently at IStartedSomething).  Time is something I simply don’t have much of at the moment but I have to say it was really simple:

  1. Backup the database and the rest of site (just in case).
  2. Copy over new WordPress files (taking care to preserve existing plugins and themes).
  3. Go to the administration URL and click the button to upgrade the database.
  4. Job done!

(there are more details on upgrading WordPress over on the Codex)

In fact, it felt a little too simple, if you know what I mean… like maybe I missed something?

I will still redesign the site.  I will still sort out the taxonomy and probably move to a clean database.  At least I intend to do those things, one day.  In the meantime I have a bunch of old plugins running against a new WordPress installation – if you notice anything that’s not working, please let me know (the easiest way is probably to leave a comment on this post).

[Update 18:25: Most of the plugins have now been updated too… but please do let me know if you see anything that’s broken]

Installing WordPress on a Mac: the aftermath (phpMyAdmin, databases, themes, plugins and fixing the tags)

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Last week I wrote about installing WordPress on a Mac but I wanted to follow that up with a post on what happened next.

Installing phpMyAdmin

Installing WordPress is all very well, but it’s good to be able to manipulate the database. The command line mysql tools would have worked but a graphical interface (even an ugly one with bizarre icons) is often easier, so I installed phpMyAdmin as described by Nino Müller:

  • Download the latest version of phpMyAdmin (I used v3.1.2).
  • Extract the files to ~/Sites/phpmyadmin.
  • Copy config.sample.inc.php to config.inc.php and edit the Blowfish secret (the line which reads $cfg['blowfish_secret'] = ''; .
  • Navigate to http://localhost/~username/phpmyadmin and login.

Unfortunately, after attempting to logon, I was presented with an error message:

#2002 – The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server’s socket is not correctly configured)

Following The Vince Wadhwani’s advice at his Hackido site I typed mysqlconfig --socket to verify the socket is in use for MySQL (e.g. /tmp/mysql.sock) but I couldn’t find a config.default.php file (or the equivalent entry in my config.inc.php file) to adjust the socket. A post at Friends of ED suggested creating a symbolic link for the socket and it seemed to work for me:

sudo mkdir /var/mysql
sudo ln -s /tmp/mysql.sock /var/mysql/mysql.sock

Following this I could log into phpMyAdmin (although I still have a warning message that phpMyAdmin cannot load the mcrypt extension – this doesn’t seem to be causing any problems though).

Importing a WordPress database

Using phpMyAdmin on my web host’s server, I exported the database from the live copy of markwilson.it and attempted to import it on the Mac. Unfortunately this didn’t work as my database was too large for PHP to upload – as confirmed by creating a file named ~/Sites/phpinfo.php containing <?php phpinfo(); ?>, then viewing it in a browser (http://localhost/~username/phpinfo.php) and looking for the upload_max_filesize variable.

Rather than messing around with my PHP configuration, I googled for the necessary commands and typed:

/user/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
drop database wordpressdatabasename;
source ./Downloads/wordpressdatabasename.sql

At this point, the local copy of WordPress was running on the live database, but the links were all to the live site, so I used phpMyAdmin to edit the site URL in the wp_options table, changing it from http://www.markwilson.co.uk/blog to http://localhost/~username/blog.

Because the live copy of the site is on an old version of WordPress, browsing to http://localhost/~username/blog/wp-admin prompted me to upgrade the database, after which I could log in and edit the site settings (e.g. the blog address).

WordPress database upgrade

WordPress 2.7 Dashboard

Restoring the theme and plugins

At this point, although WordPress was running on a local copy of my live database, the normal theme was missing and the plugins were disabled (as they were not present). I copied them from the live server and, after selecting the theme and enabling the plugins saw something approaching normality, although there were a few plugins that required updating and I still couldn’t get rid of a particularly annoying database error:

WordPress database error: [Table ‘wordpressdatabasename.wp_categories’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT cat_name FROM wp_categories ORDER BY cat_name ASC

By disabling plugins one by one (I could also have grepped /~Sites/blog/wp-admin/wp-content/plugins for wp_categories), I found that the issue was in the Bad Behavior plugin that I use to ban IP addresses known to send spam.

Moving from categories to tags

When I first moved this site to WordPress, I used Dean Robinson’s Ultimate Category Cloud plugin to provide a tag cloud (at that time WordPress did not support tags). Over time, that because unmanageable and, although I still need to define a decent taxonomy for the site, the categories still have some value if they are converted to tags.

Over some tapas and drinks in the pub, my friend Alex Coles at ascomi and I had a look at the database structure and Alex came up with a quick SQL query to run against my WordPress database:

UPDATE wp_term_taxonomy SET taxonomy='post_tag' WHERE taxonomy='category'

That converted all of my categories to tags, but there were some I manually edited to return to categories (General – which was once called Uncategorised – and Site Notices) but for some reason, all the posts were recorded in a category of Uncatagorized. Some late night PHP coding (reminiscent of many nights at Uni’ – as Steve will no doubt remember – although in those days it was Modula-2, C, C++ and COBOL) resulted in a script to run through the database, identify all posts with a category of 17 (which in my database is the default category of “General”), put the post numbers into an array and then explicitly set the category as required, taking a note of the ones which have been changed so that they can be ignored from that point on:



// Connect to the WordPress database
$db_hostname = "localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock";
$db_username = "wordpressuser";
$db_password = "wordpresspassword";
$db_connect = mysql_connect($db_hostname, $db_username, $db_password) or die("Unable to connect to server.");
$db = mysql_select_db("wordpressdatabasename",$db_connect);

// Retrieve all objects including a category with the value of 17 (my default category)
$hascat = mysql_query("SELECT object_id FROM wp_term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = '17' ORDER BY object_id");
echo '<p>'.mysql_num_rows($hascat).' rows found with category</p>';

$correct_ids = array();

// Build a PHP array (not a MySQL array) containing the relevant object IDs for later comparison
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($hascat))
$correct_ids[] = $row[0];
echo '<p>Array built. Length is '.count($correct_ids).'. First ID is '.$correct_ids[0].'.</p>';

// Retrieve every object
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM wp_term_relationships ORDER BY object_id");
echo '<p>'.mysql_num_rows($result).' rows found total</p>';

// The magic bit!
// If the object is not in our previous array (i.e. the category is not 17)
// then add it to category 17 and put it in the array so it won't get added repeatedly
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
if (!in_array($row['object_id'],$correct_ids))
// Add to category 17
mysql_query("INSERT INTO wp_term_relationships (object_id,term_taxonomy_id,term_order) VALUES ('".$row['object_id']."','17','0')");
echo '<p>Alter database entry for object '.$row['object_id'].'.</p>';
// Add to the array so it is not flagged again
else echo '<p style="color:white; background-color:black">'.$row['object_id'].' ignored.</p>';


Remaining issues

Permalinks don’t seem to work – it seems that Mac OS X does not support using .htaccess files by default and, whilst it’s possible to modify for the root folder it doesn’t seem to work for individual user sites. I’ll do some more digging and see if I can find a fix for that one.

WordPress also features the ability to automatically update plugins (and itself), but my installation is falling back to FTP access when I try to update it and making it work appears to be non-trivial. Again, I’ll take another look when I have more time.

Installing WordPress on a Mac

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

The software platform which markwilson.it runs on is in desperate need of an updated but there is only me to make it happen (supported by ascomi) and if I make a mistake then it may take some time for me to get the site back online (time which I don’t have!). As a result, I really needed a development version of the site to work with.

I thought that it would also be handy if that development version of the site would run offline – i.e. if it were served from a web server on one of my computers. I could run Windows, IIS (or Apache), MySQL and PHP but as the live site runs on CentOS, Apache, MySQL and PHP it makes sense to at least use something similar and my Mac fits the bill nicely, as a default installation of OS X already includes Apache and PHP.

I should note that there are alternative stacks available for running a web server on a Mac (MAMP and XAMPP are examples); however my machine is not a full web server serving hundreds of users, it’s a development workstation serving one user, so the built in tools should be fine. The rest of this post explains what I did to get WordPress 2.7 up and running on OS X 10.5.5.

  1. Open the System Preferences and select the Sharing pane, then enable Web Access.
  2. Web Sharing in OS X

  3. Test access by browsing to the default Apache website at http://computername/ and a personal site at http://computername/~username/.
  4. Download the latest version of MySQL Community Server (I used mysql-5.1.31-osx10.5-x86_64) and run the corresponding packaged installer (for me that was mysql-5.1.31-osx10.5-x86_64.pkg).
  5. After the MySQL installation is completed, copy MySQL.PreferencePane to /Library/PreferencePanes and verify that it is visible in System Preferences (in the Other group).
  6. MySQL Preferences in OS X

  7. Launch the MySQL preference pane and start MySQL Server (if prompted by the firewall to allow mysqld to allow incoming connections, allow this). Optionally, select automatic startup for MySQL.
  8. MySQL running in OS X

  9. Optionally, add /usr/local/mysql/bin to the path (I didn’t do this, as creating a .profile file containing export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/mysql/bin" seemed to mess up my path somehow – it just means that I need to specify the full path when running mysql commands) and test access to MySQL by running /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql.
  10. Enable PHP by editing /etc/apache2/httpd.conf (e.g. by running sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf) to remove the # in front of LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/libphp5.so.
  11. Test the PHP configuration by creating a text file named phpinfo.php containing <?php phpinfo(); ?> and browse to http://localhost/~username/phpinfo.
  12. With Mac OS X, Apache, MySQL and PHP enabled, start to work on the configuration by by running /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql and entering the following commands to secure MySQL:
    drop database test;
    delete from mysql.user where user = '';
    flush privileges;
    set password for root@localhost = password('{newrootpassword}');
    set password for root@ = password('{newrootpassword}');
    set password for 'root'@'{hostname}.local' = password('{newrootpassword}');
  13. Test access to MySQL. using the new password with /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p and entering newrootpassword when prompted.
  14. Whilst still logged in to MySQL, enter the following commands to create a database for WordPress and grant permissions (I’m not convinced that all of these commands are required and I do not know what foo is!):
    create database wpdatabasename;
    grant all privileges on wpdatabasename.* to wpuser@localhost identified by 'foo';
    set password for wpuser@localhost = old_password('wppassword');
  15. Download the latest version of WordPress and extract it to ~username/Sites/ (i chose to put my copy in a subfolder called blog, as it is on the live site).
  16. Configure WordPress to use the database created earlier by copying wordpressdirectory/wp_config_sample.php to wordpressdirectorywp_config.php and editing the following lines:
    define('DB_NAME', 'wpdatabasename');
    define('DB_USER', 'wpuser');
    define('DB_PASSWORD', 'wppassword');
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost:/tmp/mysql.sock');
  17. Restart Apache using sudo apachectl restart.
  18. If WordPress is running in it’s own subdirectory, copy wordpressdirectory/index.php and wordpressdirectory/.htaccess to ~/Sites/ and then edit index.php so that WordPress can locate it’s environment and templates (require('./wordpressdirectory/wp-blog-header.php');).
  19. Browse to http://localhost/~username/wordpressdirectory/wp-admin/install.php and follow the “five minute WordPress installation process”.
  20. WordPress installation

  21. After installation, the dashboard for the new WordPress site should be available at http://localhost/~username/wordpressdirectory/wp-admin/.
  22. WordPress fresh out of the box (dashboard)

  23. The site may be accessed at http://localhost/~username/wordpressdirectory/.
  24. WordPress fresh out of the box


I found the following articles extremely useful whilst I was researching this post:

In case the UK Government’s record on IT wasn’t already bad enough…

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

I’m not sure how I missed this one, but the UK Government‘s latest public relations stunt is the Prime Minister’s blog. Yes, that’s right – since Monday, Gordon Brown has been blogging at Number10.gov.uk (for those outside the UK, number 10 Downing Street is the traditional London home and office for the Prime Minister of the day – and in case you hadn’t noticed, Tony Blair got out while the going was reasonably good and left the former Chancellor as a caretaker PM until the next election… [sorry, nearly broke my own golden rule for no politics on this blog there]).

Given this administration’s record on matters of an IT nature, I would hope they had better things to do (of course, the PM is not churning this stuff out himself). With Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube feeds (as well as the Brightcove-based Number 10 TV) he wouldn’t have much time left to run the country [on second thoughts, maybe that is what he is doing… it would explain a lot about the state of the nation…].

Of course the site is, at worst, a thinly veiled PR exercise and, at best, an attempt to engage an increasingly disillusioned electorate in discussion with the Government of the day. After all, the standard response to most e-petitions seems to be a condescending e-mail from the appropriate department which can usually be paraphrased as “yeah, yeah, we heard you but we’re still going to carry on regardless”.

Still, at least they’re using WordPress as their CMS (albeit without any kind of acknowledgement)!

WordPress blog fails with more than 10 e-mail addresses on a page

This content is 16 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Arghhh! I’ve just spent the last 3 hours trying to write a post on another site that I manage using WordPress. I can’t find anything on the support forums but it seems that every time a page or post includes more than 10 items that look like an e-mail address then the following message is displayed when an attempt is made to save it to the database:

Internal PHP Processing Error (#99911 – q:numberofemailaddresses) in /usr/home/username/public_html/wp-admin/post.php. Please contact support and include this message.

In my case we’re at a critical stage in the campaign and encouraging people to contact their local Councillor. With 11 Councillors on the committee the 10 e-mail address limit is frustrating…

I’ll post a link here if I ever get a resolution to this. In the meantime, if any WordPress or PHP experts have a suggestion for a fix or workaround, please leave a comment!

UK time WordPress plugin

This content is 17 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Probably the only gripe that I have with my hosting provider is that the clock on their server is permanently set to UTC (i.e. no timezone changes for daylight saving – I’m told that’s normal practice for web hosting but it’s not something I’ve come across in my experience of corporate computing). Until recently that’s meant that, twice a year, I’ve had to tell WordPress to update the timezone offset but not any longer. You see, my buddy Alex (who also runs the company that provides my hosting) has written a WordPress plugin to handle UK time changes:

The UK Time plugin for WordPress checks the time of each post that’s being displayed, and if it falls inside the British Summer Time window the post time is incremented by 1 hour and you no longer need to change the UTC offset every March and October.

Of course, you may already have hundreds of posts spanning several years and you switched the UTC offset at the right time, so they already show the right time. That’s okay, they will still show the correct time.

I tested Alex’s plugin last weekend when the clocks changed and everything seems to be working just as I expected. UK-based WordPress users might want to give it a try.

Backing up and restoring a WordPress database

This content is 17 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Last year, Alex and I redeveloped the website for a campaign group close to the town where I live. Even though the design was pretty plain (neither of us are designers), from a web development standpoint the site was pretty good – written in semantically correct XHTML and CSS, using PHP for server-side scripting. Alex even wrote a neat navigation bar system and all in all it was a pretty good site.

Unfortunately, I ran out of time for updating the site content and handing it over to a non-technical person to produce new content was never going to be straightforward. I needed something with a user-friendly content management system and so I rewrote the site to use WordPress with pages for the static content and blog posts for the front page news.

Moving all of the content to WordPress didn’t take too long – I still need to sort out a few dead links and develop a decent template, but one of the beauty of WordPress is the ability to customise a site on-the-fly so I can keep on working on those after making the site live – the important thing for me was to let other people create new content without needing any code.

Even so, when the time came to launch the new site, I did need to move my WordPress database from the /dev subdirectory to the root (it is possible to install WordPress in a subdirectory and still let it be accessed from the site root; however I chose not to take that path).

Although WordPress includes an export/import function that would let me export all of the posts via an XML file, then import them to a new WordPress installation, it doesn’t handle all of the database changes (new users, configuration, etc.) and it seems that the best way is to back up the database and then restore it to a new location. Whilst the WordPress Codex provides various methods for backing up a database, the clearest instructions are actually found in a link at the bottom of the Codex article to the Clearpoint Systems blog post on how to backup and restore a WordPress database (using phpMyAdmin). Then, because the database tables will refer to the old location, it is necessary to update the siteurl and home entries in the wp_options table.

It took just a few seconds to backup the database, restore it to a new WordPress installation, and make the changes necessary to make the site accessible again. Finally, all that was required then was to upload any edited theme files and plugins to the appropriate locations in the WordPress folder structure.

Outsourcing syndicated content from WordPress to Feedburner without losing readers

This content is 17 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Earlier, I wrote about some of the measures I’ve taken to reduce the bandwidth usage of this site, one of which is outsourcing the RSS feeds to FeedBurner (i.e. put them on Google’s bandwidth bill!).

The new feed location for syndicated content using either RSS or Atom is http://feeds.markwilson.co.uk/marksweblog/.

Hopefully, I’ve done everything that I need to to make sure that no-one has to make any changes in their feedreader – yesterday’s 176% growth in subscribers (according to the Feedburner stats, which are now picking up the traffic that was previously split across multiple feeds) certainly suggests that it’s all working!

FeedBurner FeedStats showing significant increase after consolidation of feeds

If all you want is the new address then there’s no need to read on; however as this is a technical blog, I thought that some people might be interested in how this all works.

Firstly, the feeds from the old Blogger version of this site (http://www.markwilson.co.uk/blog/atom.xml and http://www.markwilson.co.uk/blog/rss.xml) have permanent redirects (HTTP 301) in my .htaccess file to redirect clients to the equivalent WordPress locations. This has been working since the migration to WordPress back in March.

I’ve had a FeedBurner feed at http://www.feedburner.com/marksweblog/ for a few years now and this remains in place. It’s using FeedBurner’s SmartFeed technology to translates the feed on-the-fly into a format (RSS or Atom) compatible with the visiting client. Since FeedBurner have made their MyBrand service free, I’ve set up feeds.markwilson.co.uk as a DNS CNAME record, pointing to feeds.feedburner.com so basically http://www.feedburner.com/marksweblog/ and http://feeds.markwilson.co.uk/marksweblog/ are interchangeable (although there is no guarantee that I will always use FeedBurner, so the http://feeds.markwilson.co.uk/marksweblog/ address is preferable).

Because I needed to make sure that anyone using the standard WordPress feed locations listed below would be redirected to the new feed, I used the FeedBurner FeedSmith WordPress plugin to redirect readers to http://feeds.markwilson.co.uk/marksweblog/ from any of the following:


For the time being, the per-post comment feeds are unchanged (very few people use them anyway).

The really smart thing that FeedSmith does is to redirect most clients to FeedBurner except if the user agent indicates that the request is from FeedBurner, in which case access is provided to the syndicated content from WordPress. This is shown in the extracts below from the logs offered by my hosting provider:

HTTP 307 (temporary redirect)

This request (from an Internet Explorer 7 client) receives a temporary redirect (HTTP 307) as can be seen in the results from the SEO Consultants check server headers tool:

SEO Consultants Directory Check Server Headers – Single URI Results
Current Date and Time: 2007-09-13T15:22:18-0700
User IP Address:

#1 Server Response: http://www.markwilson.co.uk/blog/feed/
HTTP Status Code: HTTP/1.1 307 Temporary Redirect

Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 22:22:03 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) mod_fastcgi/2.4.2 mod_auth_passthrough/1.8 mod_log_bytes/1.2 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/4.4.7 FrontPage/ mod_ssl/2.8.28 OpenSSL/0.9.7e
X-Powered-By: PHP/4.4.7
Set-Cookie: bb2_screener_=1189722124+; path=/blog/
X-Pingback: http://www.markwilson.co.uk/blog/xmlrpc.php
Last-Modified: Thu, 13 Sep 2007 21:40:23 GMT
ETag: “d7e58019e9dbb9623c54b0721b0e1f3c”
Location: http://feeds.markwilson.co.uk/marksweblog
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

HTTP 200 (OK)

Meanwhile FeedBurner receives an OK (HTTP 200) response and is served the full feed. The advantage to me is that each visitor who receives a redirect is served just 38 bytes from this website whereas the full feed (which varies in length according to the blog content) is considerably heavier (over 17KB based on the example above).

So far the most visible advantage to me is that I’ve consolidated all syndication into a single feed, upon which I have a variety of services running (or available). The as yet unseen advantage is the consequential reduction in the bandwidth taken up with syndicated content – with some feedreaders polling the feed several times a day, that should be a considerable saving.

Attempting to reduce my website’s bandwidth usage

This content is 17 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

This website is in a spot of trouble. Over the last few months, I’ve seen the bandwidth usage grow dramatically although it seems to have grown faster than the number of subscribers/readers. We’re not talking vast volumes here and my hosting provider has been very understanding, but even so it’s time to do something about it.

So I had a think, and came up with three options:

  1. Don’t write anything. Tried that for half of June (when I was on holiday). No noticeable change in the webstats!
  2. Write rubbish. It’s debatable as to whether that’s a continuation of the status quo.
  3. Drp ll th vwls s f wrtng txt mssgs.
  4. Optimise the site to reduce bandwidth usage, without a major rewrite. Yeah! That sounds like a challenge.

So, option four sounded like the best course of action. There are two main elements to consider in this:

  1. Site performance (i.e. how fast pages load).
  2. Bandwidth usage.

As far as I can tell, my site performance is not blindingly fast but it’s OK. I could use something like the WP-Cache plugin to cache content but, although that should reduce the load on the server, it won’t actually decrease my bandwidth usage. In fact it might increase it as I’d need to turn off HTTP compression.

That led me to concentrate on the bandwidth issues. This is what I tried (based mostly on Jeff Atwood’s experience of reducing his site’s bandwidth usage):

  • Shut out the spammers. Akismet had blocked over 7000 spam messages in 15 days and each of these would have loaded pages and leeched some bandwidth in the process. Using the Bad Behaviour plugin started to reduce that, blocking IP known spammers based on their IP address. Hopefully it hasn’t blocked legitimate users too. Please let me know if it has blocked you (assuming you can read this!).
  • Compress the content. Check that HTTP compression is enabled for the site (it was). According to Port 80 Software’s real-time compression check, this both reduces my file size by about 77% and decreases download times by 410%. It’s also possible to compress (i.e. remove whitespace and comments) in CSS and JavaScript (as well as tools for HTML compression) but in my opinion, the benefits are slim (as these files are already compressed with HTTP compression) and code readability is more important to me (although at 12.7KB, my main stylesheet is a little on the bloated side of things – and it is one file that gets loaded frequently by clients).
  • Optimise the graphics. I already use Adobe Photoshop/ImageReady to save web optimised graphics but I used a Macintosh utility that Alex pointed me to called Ping to optimise the .PNG files that make up about half the graphics on this site (I still need to do something with the .JPGs and .GIFs) and that shaved just over 10% off their file size – not a huge reduction but it should help.
  • Outsource. Switching the main RSS feed to FeedBurner made me nervous. I’d rather have all my readers come to my domain than to one over which I have no control but then again FeedBurner gives me some great analysis tools. Then I found out about Feedburner’s MyBrand feature (previously a chargable option but free since Feedburner was acquired by Google) which lets me use feeds.markwilson.co.uk (i.e. a domain under my control) instead of feeds.feedburner.com. Combined with the FeedSmith plugin, this has let me keep control over all of my feeds. One more option is to use an external image provider (Jeff Atwood recommends Amazon S3 but I haven’t tried that yet).

At the moment it’s still early days but I do have a feeling that I’m not eating up my bandwidth quite as quickly as I was. I’ll watch the webstats over the coming days and weeks and hope to see a downward trend.