IBM sells its PC business

This content is 20 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Last night, on my way home, I heard BBC Radio 4 reporting on IBM’s sale of its PC business to Lenovo.

So what! Another merger in the overcrowded PC manufacturing space. Well, absolutely, except that IBM invented the personal computer and were the third largest PC retailer in 2004!

It will be interesting to see how HP (who are still trying to get to grips with their acquisition of Compaq) respond to this latest move in the market. IMHO, Dell should also be watching their backs, as although they have over twice Lenovo’s new market share, there is much talk about the strong growth of the Chinese economy which may well allow Lenovo to reduce the business’ cost base, providing opportunities for further reductions in PC prices, in a market that is already largely commoditised.

BBC News report: Lenovo: The making of a legend?
IBM press release
Lenovo press release

2 thoughts on “IBM sells its PC business

  1. well one year from all the hype and the selling off of the pc bussiness it looks like lenovo are doing well new thinkpads with wide screens and the new tablet. They even have a UK site which is cool good not to be forgotten

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