Unsupported it may be, but customising the Outlook Web Access logon page is something that many organisations will wish to carry out – I recently stumbled on Microsoft’s article on OWA logon customisation in the Microsoft Exchange Server TechCenter.
Not that I’m about to start doing movie reviews here, but when they exclusively use CGI then I think that falls under my technology remit…
Last Friday, I dragged my wife along to the cinema to see Cars (the latest release from Pixar Animation Studios).
It’s the first time that I’ve been to a film where all the trailers are for animations too; although if they are a judge of what’s coming then Pixar don’t have too much to worry about from the competition. Toy Story goes down in history as the first fully computer animated feature film but that was a long time back and these days the fact that a film is exclusively generated using computer graphics is not enough – it needs to have all the other elements of a great film in place too.
Now I must confess that I’m a fan of Pixar movies and I’ve been waiting to see this film since I first caught sight of a teaser a couple of years back – I’m pleased to say that it did not disappoint.
As do all successful animations, the film caters to both adult and child audiences; however at 121 minutes it is a bit lengthy, considering that many of the viewers will be children. After the initial NASCAR excitement it slowed down and took a while to build as the characters were introduced and the scene set; but the second hour more than made up for the first. Making a bunch of cars seem human is no mean feat and Pixar have done a fantastic job, from Lightning McQueen the rookie racecar to Doc Hudson the reluctant retiree with a cast of supporting characters including Sally Porsche, Mater the towtruck, the delightful Luigi the Fiat (and his sidekick Guido the Italian forklift), Sheriff the Police cruiser, Sarge the WW2 Jeep and my favourite – Fillmore – the hippy VW Microbus. With cameo appearances from none other than Jeremy Clarkson (as Lightning McQueen’s agent – in the UK release only) and Michael Schumacher, this may not be the best Pixar film ever, but they are all pretty excellent and this one’s at least a 9/10.
Happy birthday to the world wide web
A couple of years ago, I wrote a post highlighting the 35th anniversary of the Internet. Today it’s the turn of the world wide web – for which Tim Berners-Lee (now Sir Tim Berners-Lee) posted a message on the alt.hypertext newsgroup encouraging people to try out the concept on 6th August 1991.
At that time, I was studying for my BSc in Computer Studies and this is just one example of how irrelevant that degree was (I’m still struggling to think of anything learned in my studies that has been useful in the subsequent 12 years that I’ve been working in IT). Although there was some object oriented programming in Modula-2 (along with some C/C++) we were still learning COBOL. Up and coming operating systems (e.g. OS/2 and Windows NT) were ignored in favour of Unix and the low level language I used was 68000 assembler (not 8086). In my final year of studies (1993-1994) I did at least have the opportunity to study distributed computing but there was no mention of such concepts as hypertext in my classes. Perhaps all of this is a little harsh at it would have been difficult back then to forsee the effect that the world wide web has had on our lives.
It was not until 1995 that I first used a graphical web browser and was introduced to the delights of Yahoo! and Altavista. My first online service was a CompuServe account and later I migrated to dial-up Internet access before finally getting a broadband connection in 2002. Today, in common with many others, I rely on the world wide web for an increasing number of services – at home and at work.
Read more about the creation of the web.
Opening up the Mac Mini – easy when you know how
Woohoo! 2GB RAM in my Mac for less than half the amount that Apple would have charged me (does anybody want to buy 2x256MB 667MHz DDR2 SODIMMs that have been used for just one month?).
Ordinarily, I’d say that upgrading the RAM in a PC is no big deal, but Mac Minis don’t have any screws to open the case; and unlike many notebook PCs, it not a case of popping open a small panel either.
Thankfully the instructional videos at the OtherWorldComputing Tech Center include a hardware upgrade tutorial for the Intel Mac Mini which showed exactly how to do it (thanks guys – if you sold memory in the UK I would have bought it from you).
So, armed with a Stanley DynaGrip 50mm filling knife that I picked from B&Q on the way home and an old plastic visitors pass (from Microsoft of all places!), I gained access to the inside of my Mac and swapped out the standard 256MB SODIMMs for two new 1GB modules from(which arrived in 24 hours with free shipping by Royal Mail Special Delivery – and there was 5% off the day I bought them, so they only came to £178.59 including VAT).
The operation wasn’t without it’s hiccups. First of all, I didn’t quite insert one of the memory modules correctly so when I booted the Mac it only saw 1GB of RAM. Then, when I reopened the computer to investigate, the knife slipped and I made a small scratch on the outside of the case (annoying, but too late to do anything about it now). I refitted the RAM, but dropped one of the screws inside the unit and the airport antenna came off whilst I was trying to locate the missing screw… that was a bit of a heart-stopper but it was easily reattached (once I worked out where to fix it). Finally, I forgot to reattach the small cable at the front of the motherboard so the fan ran continuously until I opened the Mac up for a third time and reattached the missing connector. Notwithstanding all of these errors, everything is working now and the extra memory should make everything a lot faster.
Controlling spam using the Microsoft Exchange intelligent message filter
It may just be a co-incidence, but since I switched my e-mail from my ISP’s servers to my own server a few months back, I’ve been seeing a huge increase in the amount of unsolicited commercial e-mail (UCE) – commonly known as spam – in my mailbox.
At the time of writing, statistics from MessageLabs show a decline in the volumes of spam over the last 12 months (although they still indicate that 58.39% of all e-mails sent were spam). Postini’s statistics suggest that 73% of e-mail is spam.
If you think those statistics are bad, according to Microsoft, Bill Gates receives 4 million spam messages a day, making him probably the most spammed man in the world (it’s no surprise then that he is rumoured to have his own mail server at Microsoft).
Any effective strategy for dealing with UCE (specifically for Exchange Server 2003, but the generic advice is the same for all mail servers) needs to operate a multiple levels within the e-mail transport (these are defined on the Message Delivery Settings under Global Settings in Exchange System Manager but need to be imposed using the properties for each SMTP virtual server):
- Server-level accept/deny lists can be used to always accept, or always deny, messages from certain domains. The trouble with this method of trapping e-mail is that I occasionally receive non-delivery reports (NDRs) for messages that were allegedly sent from markwilson.co.uk but that actually never came near my servers, so without a real-time DNS lookup mechanism to verify the sender’s domain (such as Sender ID), these are of limited use.
- Connection filtering using real-time block lists (RBLs) is the next level of protection, using a DNS query against a RBL provider’s servers, such as the SpamHaus project.
- Sender filtering can be used to drop any messages that claim to come from a particular e-mail address, optionally archiving them.
- Recipient filtering is a method of rejecting certain e-mail addresses (e.g. for people who have left the organisation, or for non-existent addresses). One option is to filter messages for recipients who are not in the directory; however this can leave an organisation open to a directory harvest attack as the server gives different responses for valid and invalid addresses. To avoid such attacks, a “tarpit” (see Microsoft knowledge base article 842851) can be employed, to delay responses to bad addresses by a few seconds, slowing down any directory harvest attacks significantly (it would normally be possible to harvest all four-character address combinations within a few minutes – with a 5 second tarpit delay this is increased to a couple of months – and most addresses have much longer aliases than 4 characters).
- Finally, the intelligent message filter (IMF – previously a separate download but now included with Exchange Server service pack 2) employs a Microsoft-proprietary algorithm (SmartScreen) to scan each message and mark it with a spam confidence level (SCL), which is then used to process the mail accordingly at the gateway or mailbox level.
Each of these tools filters out less obvious types of UCE with increasing levels of cost in terms of server resource. Whilst the junk e-mail filters in Outlook 2003/2007 and Entourage 2004, which are also based on SmartScreen but doesn’t use the SCL mechanism, are pretty good at filtering messages, they are far from perfect (in my experience, Outlook seems to be better at this than Entourage). Activating the IMF on my server has provided an additional level of filtering which has greatly reduced the volume of UCE making it through as far as my mailbox.
The IMF uses 11 SCL ratings, set as an attribute in the message header:
- -1 is used for messages submitted internally with an authenticated connection – eliminating false positives for internal e-mail.
- 0 is used for messages that are marked as not spam.
- 1-9 are used to highlight varying levels of probability that a message is spam (9 being the most likely).
Within Exchange, the SCL value can be used to filter UCE on gateway servers as well as with a lower level SCL used by the information store to move messages to the user’s junk e-mail folder – therefore allowing for the most obvious UCE to be trapped at the gateway (least chance of false positives) and for users to retrieve any messages in the mid-range that are incorrectly marked as junk. The gateway blocking action is also configurable – with options for archival, deletion (without NDR), no action, or rejection.
Archived messages will be saved (by default) to %programfiles%\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\UCEArchive. Each message is archived as an .EML file, which can be viewed with a text editor. To resubmit a message for delivery it can simply be moved to the corresponding %programfiles%\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\Pickup folder. Obviously, viewing individual messages in a text file is time-consuming and the IMF Archive Manager is a great tool for managing IMF-archived messages.
The SCL at which to block messages for a particular organisation will vary according to the profile of e-mail sent to/from the organisation – I have my SCL level for gateway blocking set to 7 with archiving enabled and so far I have only had one false positive – but clearly for organisations receiving more e-mail than I do, this will be a bigger issue! At the store level (set to move messages with an SCL greater than 4) things are not working quite so well but that is to be expected as in the grey area between good and bad mail, some legitimate (good) messages will inevitably get marked with the same SCL as the (bad) UCE. It’s worth noting that marking a sender as safe in Outlook will only override the SCL at the mailbox-level – it has no effect at the gateway.
To assist in judging the SCL levels to use for filtering, it is possible to expose the SCL in Outlook and in Outlook Web Access (OWA). Also useful may be (temporarily) enabling diagnostic logging on the MSExchangeTransport\SMTP Protocol for a server, such that SMTP events are logged. Performance monitor counters from the MSExchange Intelligent Message Filter object can also be used to log the amount of spam filtered or acted upon, the relative SCL levels and overall IMF performance. Based on the performance monitor data, the IMF gateway blocking configuration can be reduced from no action to archive, and then finally (once confident that the levels are correct) to delete, as the appropriate SCL levels are determined.
It’s also possible to mark the SCL on archived messages by creating an new registry key called ContentFilter at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\ and a corresponding DWORD value named ArchiveSCL set to 1. A string value named ArchiveDir can also be used to change the archive folder. Both of these settings are detailed in the Microsoft Exchange Server TechCenter along with details for applying the IMF to trusted (authenticated) connections and increasing the size limit for the rule used to process spam at mailbox level (allowing more blocked and safe senders).
Suggested further reading
IMF release notes (Microsoft knowledge base article 867633).
Microsoft Exchange Team Blog.
Creating a customised Windows XP CD using nLite
Last night, when I was installing Windows on my Mac, I needed a Windows XP CD with service pack 2 included (i.e. a slipstreamed service pack as Apple Boot Camp doesn’t allow the use of a non-SP2 CD). I didn’t have one – only a Windows XP (RTM) CD, an integrated SP1 CD, and an SP2 update CD – but that’s no problem, as you can create your own slipstreamed XP SP2 CD.
The official method linked above works well, but (as highlighted in the August 2006 edition of Personal Computer World magazine) there is an easier way – using the excellent (and free) nLite deployment tool for unattended Windows. After copying the contents of my original Windows XP (RTM) CD to a temporary location on my hard disk, I was able to use nLite to integrate the service pack (from my SP2 CD) and make a bootable .ISO image of the new distribution (ready for burning to CD using the software of my choice) using just a few mouse clicks. I could also have integrated drivers (e.g. the ones from the Macintosh driver CD that Boot Camp creates), included updates/patches, removed components, applied tweaks and generally customised the Windows XP installation to suit – all using one simple wizard.
Thanks to Dino Nuhagic (Nuhi) for creating nLite (and for making it free) – it really is a very useful tool.
Windows identity crisis?
I just browsed to the Windows XP section of the Microsoft website using my Vista machine and was greeted with this:
Nothing odd there you might think, until you look closely and see that the Microsoft website has identified my machine as running Windows NT…