Useful Links: January 2010

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

A list of items I’ve come across recently that I found potentially useful, interesting, or just plain funny:

[Update 3 February 2010: added some links I missed first time around]

A look forward to SharePoint 2010

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Over the years, I’ve dipped in and out of SharePoint several times and, last week, I took myself along to the Edge user group‘s meeting at Microsoft’s London offices to listen to SharePoint MVP, Dave McMahon, talk about what’s coming in SharePoint 2010.

Before looking at the various product editions, it’s worth recapping on the current situation:

  • Office SharePoint Designer 2007 is the client product (derived from Front Page) that allows SharePoint designers full access to product functionality for development purposes.
  • Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 3.0 is a single server installation, offered free of charge to licensed Windows Server users.
  • Office SharePoint server (MOSS) 2007 is the full product that allows enterprise deployment with farms of SharePoint servers.

For SharePoint 2010, the line-up looks like this:

  • Office SharePoint Designer 2010, which has had a major makeover.
  • SharePoint Foundation 2010, providing the core components to run a SharePoint site.
  • SharePoint Server 2010, equivalent to MOSS 2007.
  • SharePoint Server 2010 for Internet Sites, offers the same functionality as SharePoint Server 2010 but with a different licensing model.
  • SharePoint Workspace 2010 is another client application, previously known as Office Groove.

Dave explained some of the changes in SharePoint 2010, looking at the technology from an infrastructure perspective:

  • In common with many Microsoft server products, SharePoint 2010 will only be available as a 64-bit edition.
  • There’s native support for SQL mirroring.
  • SharePoint 2010 is fully resilient and scalable (although that sounds like marketing rhetoric, Dave says it is true!)
  • SharePoint “solutions” (deployed custom code as a CAB file with an XML manifest) will be sandboxed to prevent unintentional impact on other parts of the SharePoint infrastructure (each solution runs as a separate process and is shut down if doesn’t meet performance criteria), moving the responsibility for fixing custom code that impacts SharePoint performance from the IT Pro to the developer (as it should!).
  • SharePoint can now be managed with PowerShell (stsadm.exe is still there but PowerShell is the way forward)
  • Installation is simplified (at least for the core SharePoint components – there are still some additional installs).
  • There’s a simplified upgrade process (at least for 2007).
  • And a new service application infrastructure replaces the concept of Shared Service Providers (with shared services throughout the farm, that are non-extensible) with an extensible framework consisting of individual services that may be assigned to applications (reducing resource usage).
  • SharePoint 2010 has a REST API (2007 was built on ASMX services) making it more extensible.

Microsoft’s marketing is based around six categories of workload for SharePoint:

  • Sites: now have a new look and feel (more “AJAXy” – e.g. Silverlight webpart when create new items, etc.); teh Office “ribbon” user interface is extended to the server application; a more intuitive edit mode is provided with the ability to change layouts on the fly, etc.; offline synchronisation with SharePoint workspace and supports for multiple workspaces.
  • Communities: embrace web 2.0, redesigned mysites; tagging; enhanced wiki and blogs; ratings; enhanced people search.
  • Content: Document sets (grouping documents for metadata and versioning).  In 2007 site collections cannot be nested (it’s possible to have many subsites but collections are all peers – isolated by security, need to deploy content types around farm manually) but 2010 provides enterprise content types.  It’s not always a good idea to load all content into SharePoint content database and new linked lists can treat file system items like an ordinary SharePoint list (so can search, etc. on it).
  • Search: Search Server 2010 Express provides quick, easy, powerful search for free; SharePoint Server 2010 gives complete intranet search; FAST Search Server for SharePoint gives high end search delivered through SharePoint (Microsoft bought FAST in 2008).  There are changes in indexing as the MOSS 2007 scale-out model generated certain bottlenecks (e.g. a single index server for each set of shared services presenting a single point of failure; the search database was a bottleneck; and the whole index propagated to all front end web servers). In SharePoint 2010, the indexer is now a crawler and has a separate crawl database.  Query/index servers can store partitions of the index (so no longer on one server) for fast searching.  The FAST search gives thumbnails, refinements with counts on properties, visual best bets, the ability to sort results on any property, scrolling PowerPoint previews, similarity search and phonetic searching.
  • Insights: BI, analytics, reporting services, etc.; Excel Services, etc. with editable cells (at least in CTP, although not in the beta…); Visio services (needs Visio 2010) allows design and publishing to browser (in .VDW format), with data binding for data driven drawings – e.g. a server diagram with colour coding based on pings (binding ranges of data to various colours), rendered in Silverlight (or JPG if Silverlight is not available). Other examples are room booking, organisational diagrams with sales figures, etc.
  • Composites: provide business connectivity services, to connect SharePoint to line of business applications, replacing the business data catalog in 2007 (which was read only), allowing create, read, update and delete operations, the creation of external content types, external lists created from external content types, and to display line of business data in standard SharePoint forms.

Under the covers, SharePoint is just a very large ASP.NET application but it’s also one of Microsoft’s fastest growing platforms and the 2007 version has really taken off in many organisations.  Even so, out-of-the-box SharePoint is a platform upon which to develop – the solutions provided are examples and are not the limits of what SharePoint can do.  SharePoint 2010 looks to provide a number of improvements to address issues of scalability and extensibility together with features that enhance the experience for users of the technology.  Expect to see the product released in the first half of 2010.

Raising parents’ Internet awareness

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

UK-based readers of this blog who also subscribe to Microsoft’s UK TechNet Newsletter may have noticed a reference to the upcoming European Safer Internet Day. Quoting from the newsletter:

“To support the day and the launch of the new digital code for children, Microsoft is offering all UK schools the opportunity to host their own parent’s awareness session. These virtual sessions offer the opportunity to host a parents evening with a web cast presentation led by a Microsoft volunteer to inform and educate parents on the technology their children are using and how they can keep them safe when online. To find out more or to book a presentation for your school please call Karina Gibson […]”

[Microsoft TechNet Newsletter, 21 January 2010]

I was able to see Karina present this session a few months ago, and I have to admit that I found it a moving and worthwhile experience – my children are still very young but it certainly taught me some of the issues that children and young people face in our online society and what parents can be doing to support safe Internet usage (turning it off is not the answer!). Consequently, I’m now liaising with my local schools and hope to be delivering at least one session soon. If you want to know more – contact Karina Gibson at Microsoft UK (I’ve left her contact details out of this blog post to avoid spam, but the Microsoft UK switchboard number is 0870 60 10 100).

Major WordPress update completed

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

For all my words about how it’s important for sysadmins to patch systems, this website has been running on an old (approx 2 years out of date) version of WordPress, pending a major database cleanup and site redesign.

Eventually, my requirement to move to an up-to-date platform became more critical than the need to sort out my categories and tags (which date back to before WordPress supported tags), cleanup the database, and make everything all fresh and lovely (as Long Zheng did recently at IStartedSomething).  Time is something I simply don’t have much of at the moment but I have to say it was really simple:

  1. Backup the database and the rest of site (just in case).
  2. Copy over new WordPress files (taking care to preserve existing plugins and themes).
  3. Go to the administration URL and click the button to upgrade the database.
  4. Job done!

(there are more details on upgrading WordPress over on the Codex)

In fact, it felt a little too simple, if you know what I mean… like maybe I missed something?

I will still redesign the site.  I will still sort out the taxonomy and probably move to a clean database.  At least I intend to do those things, one day.  In the meantime I have a bunch of old plugins running against a new WordPress installation – if you notice anything that’s not working, please let me know (the easiest way is probably to leave a comment on this post).

[Update 18:25: Most of the plugins have now been updated too… but please do let me know if you see anything that’s broken]

Announcing the Windows Server User Group (WSUG)

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Back in 2008, I set up a LinkedIn group after the UK Windows Server User Group’s leader, Scotty McLeod, was involved in a tragic accident and it was originally intended to provide a temporary workaround until we got the Windows Server Team site up and running again.

Towards the end of last year Mark Parris and I had a conversation around combining the UK Active Directory User Group with the UK Windows Server User Group. The reasoning behind this was that Windows Server User Group meetings had become few and far between, meanwhile the Active Directory User Group is an active community. At the same time Active Directory touches almost every component of Windows Server (it does, after all, account for five of the Windows Server roles) and the division between Windows Server content and Active Directory content was becoming very blurred.

Consequently, the two user groups will now merge to become collectively known as the Windows Server User Group (WSUG).

Mark has set up a new website and forums and, whilst they still require some work, they share credentials and support both traditional user/password authentication and OpenID.

Meanwhile the LinkedIn group will still exist, but I’m honestly not sure that it provides any value and I would encourage members to sign up at the WSUG website, where we are trying to build an active Windows Server community with discussion forums and in-person meetings (generally held at Microsoft offices in the UK).

Twitter users can also follow @windowsserverug for event announcements, etc.

Please let us know what you would like to see on the forums and, if you would like to get more involved, please get in touch with either Mark Parris or myself.  You can find our contact details on the WSUG site.

Really tiny book light

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

One of the coolest presents that I received this Christmas was from my wife, who is clearly fed up of me turning on a light to read whilst she is trying to sleep…

Really Tiny Book LightIt’s called the Really Tiny Book Light and it has a small LED light (powered by 3 LR41 batteries) that clips onto the outside cover of a book and can be directed onto the page, giving night-time readers enough light to read without illuminating the rest of the room.

It certainly seems to be effective – and sure beats my previous attempts at reading by torchlight.  I’m reliably informed that Mrs Christmas purchased mine from the elves at John Lewis.

Updating the software on a Humax PVR

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

A couple of weeks before Christmas, my wife expressed an interest in getting “on of those video recorder things” (and she didn’t mean a VHS recorder) as only I could work the Mac hooked up to the TV with BBC iPlayer on it (and anyway, iPlayer can be a little unreliable at times).  Realising that this was effectively a green light to purchase a gadget, I suggested that, if we were to get a personal video recorder (PVR), then Christmas would be the time when we would get a lot of use from it and I began to research the options.

We use digital terrestrial TV (Freeview) after an earlier attempt to use FreeSat became unreliable, and I knew that the Humax PVRs boxes were the ones to go for so, after a little crowdsourcing on Twitter, some Googling for reviews (like the one from Radio and Telly) and a shufti at the Which reviews, I decided to purchase a Humax PVR-9300T (the 320GB model was £169 at John Lewis although the price has since risen – other retailers may have been less expensive but I called the store to check/reserve stock and collected it within an hour or so of purchase).  Basically, this gives me two Freeview tuners so I can record on two channels and watch a third (as long as it’s on the same multiplex as one of the two that are recording) or play back something from the hard drive.

After two weeks of using it, I have to say that the 9300T has been great and I can’t believe we waited so long with a broken VCR and iPlayer.  Sure, the UI could be spruced up, but it seems to be functional and, most importantly, it’s easy for consumers to navigate (my wife is no technophobe but complexity is not good when you’re rushed off your feet with two small children and you just want to record/watch something on the telly); however I was disappointed to find that it locked up occasionally, requiring a power reset and sometimes resulting in missed recordings.

Checking the software version in the system status, I found that my PVR was running an old release (UPTTF 1.00.15 Dec 17 2008) and that Humax had released an update (UPTTF 1.00.18 Nov 12 2009) which includes a resolution to an intermittent lockup issue.  Over the air (OTA) updates didn’t work for me – as the Digital TV Group’s engineering channel was not playing the Humax updates at the time so I downloaded the update from the Humax website, along with Humax’s download tool (WDN4OAK+).  I also needed to find an RS232C (9 pin female-female) null modem cable to transfer the software to the PVR and a laptop computer with a serial port (I could have purchased a USB to RS232 converter) as well as an operating system that would run the Humax download tool (the installer is a 16-bit application so it failed on Windows 7 but ran OK on XP).  Armed with the necessary hardware and software I then:

  1. Connected the RS232C cable to the PVR and the serial port (normally COM1) on the PC
  2. Installed and ran the Humax download tool (WDN4OAK+)
  3. Selected the software update – in this case it was apps(UPTTF_10018)_LDR(a4_37).hdf
  4. Clicked Download
  5. At this point, nothing happened (except that the downloader will wait for a request!) until I powered on/off the PVR to start the update process.  I didn’t think this was particularly clear in Humax’s instructions, which is why I’m repeating the steps here).
  6. Waited for the PVR to update (it’s important not to interrupt power at this point – to either the PC or the PVR) – a progress bar is displayed on the PC, and the PVR display will show END when it is complete.
  7. Power cycled the PVR once the update had completed and closed the download tool on the PC.

Ever since I applied the update (which was over a week ago now) the PVR-9300T has seemed to be more reliable (no more lock-ups) although I have to say that this process is probably far from simple for less tech-savvy users (but full marks to Humax for making the necessary software available for download).

Twitter Recap: July-December 2009

This content is 15 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Last year I kicked off my blog posts by saying how I would write less, do more, etc. and I’m not sure that I succeeded. Re-reading that post seems strangely familiar: burned out in December; not enough family time; backlog of unwritten posts; overdue WordPress upgrade, etc. but I did discover Twitter last year…

Purists will say that blogs and tweets shouldn’t repeat one another – maybe they are right but I do advertise new blog posts on my Twitter feed (@markwilsonit) and now I’m recapping on some of the seventeen-hundred-and-something tweets for those of you who only read the blog and might have missed something interesting (don’t worry, it is edited – although a full extract of all of my 2009 tweets is available too, in CSV format).  Below, are edited highlights – basically information I’ve shared on Twitter (mostly from others) that might also have been interesting to readers of this blog.  It does come with a health warning though as my sub-140 character tweets are a little more informal than the blog posts I write and one or two may be offensive to those of a sensitive nature:

  • July:
    • RT @4sysops Microsoft unleashes 20,000 lines of Linux code
    • No official news re: Windows 7 RTM but more details of when you can get the bits
    • RT @maryjofoley timetable for who can get the Windows Server 2008 R2 bits and when:
    • RT @Microsoft Statement on Microsoft Proposal to European Commission – if accepted there will be no more E Edition :-)
    • RT @joiningdots Innovative marketing – to launch a car, use it to create a new font (link includes ‘making of’ video)
    • RT @4sysops Linus Torvalds: “Microsoft Hatred Is a Disease” – Linus seems to talk a lot of sense in this – worth a read
    • RT @JoeBaguley (The World According To Americans) – anyone who works “overseas” for a US company will understand!
    • RT @maryjofoley European XP and Vista users to get the browser ballot screen too
    • RT @airjrdn ItsHidden free VPN service for anonymous Internet traffic – ^MW no more ISP traffic shaping :-)
    • RT @MSSpringboard Free tool for creating bootable Windows USB drives ^MW Arghh! I spent days working out how to do this!
    • Dell’s Technical support page for “No power when using only the AC adapter” tells me to shut down Windows – WTF!
    • RT @edbott: Microsoft finally does the right thing for beta testers:  ^MW Yay!!!
    • RT @joiningdots: This site is trying to get people fired – ^MW oh my word!  Are people that daft?  Yes!
  • August:
    • RT @maryjofoley: Windows 7 XP Mode release candidate bits are downloadble by the public today. Final code due Oct. 22:
    • Another reason to boycott Sony products… talk about a company that has lost it’s way #sonyfail #fail
    • RT @stealthpuppy: Windows Virtual PC XP Mode RC bits and 
    • Nikon has launched a digital compact camera with a built in projector.  Cool :-)
    • RT @stufox Why can’t some people get their facts right? Hyper-V is a type 1 hypervisor regardless of how it is installed
    • RT @virtualization: Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V earns Common Criteria Certification
    • RT @stealthpuppy @4sysops: Microsoft offers Office 2010 file format ballot to stop EU antitrust probe #EUfail #fail
    • RT @jamesbannan ^MW people may not like web advertising but no ads = no money = no hosting = no blog = no information
    • RT @4sysops: IT unemployment hits five-year high in the UK ^MW Michael, you’re not making me happy!
    • RT @robmargel This day 12 years ago Microsoft saved Apple
    • RT @MSWindows: Some clarification on Windows 7 Enterprise Edition; Understanding Software Assurance/Volume Licensing –
    • I never thought I’d agree with @jasoncalacanis but he actually talks some sense in his Case Against Apple in 5 Parts
    • RT @JoeBaguley: Too cool – the bible in Lego:
    • RT @GreggRobertson5: Trying to dig into PowerCLI but don’t know PowerShell? Start here.   #vmware #powershell
    • RT @markveldhuis: Hitler finds out about FriendFeed’s acquisition by Facebook and is not happy Even mentions @Scobleizer
    • RT @longzheng: Windows 7 C! C is for Cookie “In Europe, the cookie will only be sold unbaked”
    • RT @shanselman: I’m starting to see why Google Chrome would need an Operating System of its own. ^MW LOL
    • RT @4sysops: Remote Server Administration Tools for Windows 7 (RSAT) are now available for download
    • RT @jamestenniswood Low-cost USB touchscreen monitor
    • RT @jamestenniswood Strangely I quite like the slime covered Dell Mini ^MW me too, maybe I can get transfers for my S10e
    • RT @shanselman: RT @peterschay: Another Windows 7 XP Mode success — running Cisco VPN Client 5.0 ^MW not tried it myself (yet!)
    • I have 2 Lenovo S10e netbooks but I noticed that the newer one doesn’t have RAM fixed to the m’board so I don’t lose 512MB of a 2GB SODIMM
    • Following the advice of @shanselman and downloading Windows Home Server… running an a VM looks interesting
    • RT @VirtualPCGuy: Windows Virtual PC Team blog started here: 
    • RT @shanselman: “Friends do not let friends use IE6,” said Amy Barzdukas, Microsoft’s general manager for Internet Explorer.
    • RT @windows7hacker: Amazing High Resolution Windows 7 theme Wallpapers
    • RT @mythokia: No x64 guest support for Windows Virtual PC? Poop. ^MW I agree but no surprise. A client-side hypervisor would be nice MSFT.
    • RT @joiningdots: Don’t forget you added your manager on Facebook when bitching about your job -  (via @lakeygal)
    • Think texting and driving is a good idea? Then watch this: (Warning: this is very graphic – for good reasons)
    • RT @shanselman: RT @SCMcDonnell: Apple has become what Microsoft used to be.  No cross platform capabilities and even the SDK requires money
    • RT @IE: How to write an IE 8 Web Slice for WordPress blogs –
    • RT @Microsoft: Windows Server 2008 R2 is now available for 180 day evaluation:
    • RT @jamesoneill: A tale of two codecs. Or how not to be a standard. #adobe #dng #fail
    • New Google profile at (mark.wilson is not in use… but not available either :-( )
    • RT @phnat: […] the Home Office have issued new advice on photography and Terrorism Laws: ^MW still some way to go…
    • RT @joiningdots: New blog post: SharePoint in plain English
    • RT @ExchServPro: Visio Stencils for IT Pro posters download – ^MW this will be /so/ useful
    • RT @airjrdn: A Steve Jobs Confession, a Fanboy Shock ^MW when will someone realise that Apple is anticompetitive?
    • RT @stevesimon: Are you a photographer and the opposite of a morning person? Check out Andy Frazer’s night photo blog
    • RT @BrentO: I just used UnTweeps to unfollow 14 Tweeps who haven’t tweeted recently. ^MW may come in useful!
    • RT @VirtualPCGuy: VMLauncher allows you to run an executable from Windows 7 under Windows XP mode directly: 
    • RT @JoeBaguley: And now, for all you grammar pedants:
    • RT @JoeBaguley: xkcd does it again : – I am sending a copy of this to everyone in my family… ^MW Me too!
    • RT @VirtualPCGuy: RT @hyperv_r2: Great news! for Hyper-V R2 users: Virtual Machine Manager 2008 R2 is RTM!
    • RT @WinObs: Nokia Booklet 3G Mini Laptop Unveiled: ^MW This looks nice – an aluminium netbook with built in 3G and GPS
    • RT @govirtual Hello Freedom: VMware adds more restrictions to VMworld exhibitors |
    • RT @WinObs: Power IT Down Day - 
    • UK government’s response to music industry pressure re: P2P is cutting off Internet access #failed business model
    • RT @edbott: Snow Leopard upgrade: “looks a lot like a service pack” and no 64bit even though my MacBook’s CPU is capable
    • RT @stealthpuppy: IT restrictions hurt productivity: ; Unchain the Office Computers!:
    • Snow Leopard could include some security features […to…] push it closer to […] Windows 7 (via @hanselman)
  • September:
    • RT @timanderson Why don’t we all use macs and truth about Snow Leopard and Exchange
    • Nikon point and shoot camera with built in projector. Nice idea – let’s see if this takes off
    • I’ve been rumbled… now the Tech Support Cheat Sheet ( has reached my Project Manager…
    • Attempting to install Windows Home Server in a VM, using iSCSI for storage…
    • Finally, something sensible is written on the Mac vs. PC debate… on The Register of all places! (thanks @timanderson)
    • From @techradar – The Ten Commandments of social networking
    • RT @jamesbannan MDT 2010 final version has been released :-) #auteched
    • RT @edbott: Windows haters who guffawed over using Start button to shut down, pls explain why I use iTunes to manage a phone and buy movies.
    • Microsoft and Tesco working together to provide a Silverlight-based “Virtual DVD” service to UK Internet users
    • Windows 7 tip: Ctrl+Shift+click an application icon to run the app as Administrator
    • RT @veronica Awesome PR stunt: Carrier pigeon faster than broadband (via @buzzfeed)
    • RT @edbott Can’t preview PDFs in Windows Explorer or Outlook on a 64-bit Windows installation? Here’s the fix:
    • RT @maryjofoley Morro/MSE vs. Forefront security client positioning:
    • RT @maryjofoley Microsoft to business users: No need to delay Win 7 deployments
    • RT @sixrevisions Popular Search Engines in the 90’s: Then and Now (via @robmargel)
    • RT @jamesbannan Having to do ANYTHING on Windows XP after using Windows 7 is like chipping away at rocks… ^MW I feel your pain James
    • Confirmation that Microsoft’s 26% server virtual’n market share includes Virtual Server (type 2) /and/ Hyper-V (type 1)
    • RT @bbctech Tomorrow’s World goes online
    • RT @verkoren: if browsers were women.. (via @markveldhuis)
    • RT @shanselman Hilarious read as a guy asks for a Crack for software IN THEIR FORUMS. Read the keys carefully
    • RT @stufox Top Microsoft Support issues for Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V:
      Windows 7 tip: Show your Computer Name in the Taskbar (via @shanselman)
    • Top tips to run a Live Meeting:
    • RT @frederickvan Flickr announced a new feature today… Galleries! ^MW like a set or collection but from other people
    • Why is there always some idiot on Live Meeting who can’t operate the mute button on their phone?
    • RT @JoeBaguley Adobe releases Lightroom 2.5 –
    • RT @vmguru_nl: New post: The road to VCP 4 certification ( (via @GreggRobertson5)
    • Potentially useful Windows PowerShell resources (via @jamesbannan) and
    • RT @markparris Microsoft will not release a Service Pack 3 for Windows Server 2003
    • BT’s Broadband Enabling Technology (BET) should allow 1-2Mbps in areas without existing broadband coverage
    • RT @wikileaks et al UK govt database of all 1,841,177 post codes & precise geographic coordinates (via @JoeBaguley)
    • Windows 7 tip: use the Bing background picture as a desktop wallpaper that changes each day: (via @Kikim)
    • Impressed to see TweetDeck translate a German tweet into English for me :-)
    • RT @4sysops: Windows 7 “XP Mode”: What are the Security Implications?
    • Windows 7 tip: RT @MSWindows: See how easy it is to transfer your wireless settings with Windows 7 (via @Lifehacker) –
    • RT @maryjofoley: Still no comprehensive private-cloud strategy from Microsoft, but it now has a private cloud blog:
    • RT @slimboyfat: Handy way to create “offline” Windows Update ISO’s for non-internet connected boxes
    • Windows 7 Tip: RT @TheWindowsClub How to display Recycle Bin in Computer folder in Windows 7 (via @MSWindows)
    • RT @mikester01: Hyper-V Integration Components accepted upstream into Linux kernel – huge news! (via @hvredevoort)
    • RT @guardiantech: Find your nearest postbox – legally ^MW just added the locations for the ones near me…
    • RT @shanselman: Analysis of the CodePlex Foundation from the founder and org. dev of MySQL: ^MW commenters are not happy
    • RT @stufox: Pretending that VDI solves desktop management is silly. Desktop management is people, process & technology. VDI only changes one
    • RT @shanselman: Put a Recycle Bin in your Windows 7 Taskbar
    • RT @WinObs: Serve IE6 Visitors the Default WordPress Theme - ^MW or any other theme you like…
    • Got an e-mail address? Microsoft offers UK students Windows 7 for £30 (via @MVPAwardProgram)
    • Not sure why the Microsoft student deal of £30 for Windows 7 ( doesn’t include addresses too though…
    • RT @guardiantech: Photography: a model of lost liberty ^MW How true – and a very sad indictment on the world we live in
    • RT @4sysops: Joe Wilcox: Why I chose Windows 7 over Snow Leopard ^MW it seems I’m not alone in my views (FAO @alexcoles)
    • RT @maryjofoley: MS delivers Office Web Apps test build: Ten things testers need to know:
    • Apple’s incredible, amazing, awesome keynote in under two minutes (via @guardiantech)
    • RT @jamestenniswood: Oh really liking Gmail Notifier Plus for Windows 7 (now it works with Google Apps) ^MW me too!
    • RT @guardiantech: EU publishes its antitrust case against Intel
    • From a conversation from one of my senior colleagues: “E-mail is an asynchronous communications medium.  Do not expect an instant response.”
    • RT @4sysops: Microsoft to offer free antivirus software soon ^MW Looking forward to replacing AVG free on my systems…
    • UI designers, please stop creating dialogs that require a 600px  display (my netbook is 1024×576)
    • RT @edbott: Linus Torvalds: Linux kernel “getting bloated and huge” ^MW it’s not just a Windows problem then ;-)
    • Thanks to @shanselman I found the MSDN Beginner Developer Learning Center… maybe I can learn to write code again!
    • RT @shanselman: Great 20 min intro for absolute beginners who wonder how the Web Works…
    • RT @liveside: SkyDrive to become the center stage of Windows Live? ^MW woot!
    • RT @guardiantech: Is Microsoft a tax dodger? ^MW as the article says: “Tax evasion is illegal, tax avoidance isn’t”
    • RT @bbctech: BBC’s iPlayer should be charged “micro payments” ^MW I already paid for the BBC via my TV license!
    • RT @bbctech: UK Government’s plans for a 50p tax on fixed phone lines. ^MW as if VAT wasn’t enough…
    • RT @VMMDocs: VMM 2008 R2 Configuration Analyzer now available, see here:
    • RT @edbott: An 89MB iTunes 9 update! Uh, Apple, do you have to reinstall the whole damn thing every time? Why not patch? ^MW how true!
    • RT @dmsaxon: RT @shanselman: RT @gruber: The Ultimate Productivity Blog:
    • Could this be the answer to my Inbox madness? (via @dmsaxon)
    • RT @guardiantech: Information overload ^MW Why does this sound so familiar?
    • RT @frederickvan: Is it possible to create an HDR image from a single raw file?
    • RT @leadfollowmove: RT @themolk: A very suspect laptop upgrade!  My new comic – (via @agent_x) ^MW LOL
    • RT @petapixel: Build your personal brand with a good photo: ^MW Think I need to work on mine…
    • RT @edbott: Can a Windows geek learn to love Snow Leopard? Ed’s quest for Mac alternatives to favorite PC programs
    • RT @MVPAwardProgram: Restoring XP backups to Windows 7? NT Backup Restore is available and a fix is on the way
    • RT @guardiantech: Confess your symptoms of information overload and addiction ^MW I confess!
    • RT @NickHodge: WebSiteSpark. Lots of free Microsoft stuff for web startups:
    • RT @longzheng: Facing competition from Microsoft’s free AV solution Norton releases this video ^MW Weak and desperate…
    • RT @JoeBaguley: Speaking of Clouds » Must-read e-book from the Google infrastructure team
    • 99 Bottles of Beer programmed in 1290 different programming languages: (via Martin Doxsey, on e-mail)
    • Virtualisation calculator for Windows Server 2008 – which edition is most cost-effective, regardless of hypervisor
    • RT @MSWindows: Heading to Paris?  If you’re there after October 22, stop by the new Microsoft Windows Cafe:
    • RT @markparris: Ever dropped your iPod? Spare parts on – DIY if it’s out of warranty
    • 28 Windows 7 tips from the Microsoft Partner Network (via @robmargel)
    • RT @guardiantech: O2 denies delaying 0870 app for the iPhone – so was it Apple?
    • RT @bbctech: Twitter confirms major cash boost:
    • RT @joe_elway: British wildlife photo competition winners
    • RT @guardiantech: Microsoft’s grinning robots or the Brotherhood of the Mac. Which is worse?
    • RT @mspartnersuk: 77 Windows 7 Tips ^MW I could only see 63 but worth a look anyway!
    • RT @IE: 101 five-minute fixes to incrementally improve your website: ^MW I should work on these…
    • RT @guardiantech: Orange signs iPhone deal with Apple ^MW Come on Vodafone… what are you doing about this?
    • RT @4sysops: Microsoft shows off prototype next-generation office wall ^MW I too believe in fat desktops…
    • RT @timanderson: Blog: Open Source is good business ^MW some interesting thoughts…
      Exchange group, say EHLO to Windows Server group: No Exchange support on the latest version of your own server OS – WTF!
    • SCOM now supports #Windows7 and #WS08R2 (are you listening #Exchange team?)
    • RT @MSSpringboard: Microsoft Security Essentials – free anti-virus software for genuine Windows users
    • Price matching to trick consumers: identical products, different packaging, 40% price difference #Tesco #fail
    • RT @guardiantech: The BBC is encrypting its HD signal by the back door
  • October:
    • RT @maryjofoley: MS releases XP Mode for Windows 7 to manufacturing. Available on Oct. 22 for download:
    • RT @CIOsConnect: Is Your Organization Ready for Windows 7? Find out on Oct 6.
    • Playing with the Voice Recorder on my iPhone… turns out I won’t need the Sony ICD-UX71 that so nearly ended up on my wishlist
    • RT @maryjofoley: You know Google Wave needs a reset when @Scobleizer says it is over-hyped
    • Wondering if I can get a MiFi that will work with Vodafone UK, contract free? (
    • It seems that there is a limit on the number of sheets in an Excel workbook that GDocs can import… 85 (1 a month since Sep 02) is too many
    • RT @bbctech: Flash will soon run on just about every smartphone… except Apple iPhones #Apple #fail
    • RT @airjrdn: AVG launches free antivirus suite as Microsoft crashes its party – ^MW I’m still switching to MSE…
    • RT @bbctech: Microsoft confirms that it is investigating hotmail account credentials leak ^MW changing my creds now…
    • RT @OneMicrosoftWay: Google tells employee not to accept Microsoft MVP award ^MW Not good
    • Does the Royal Mail really own the intellectual property rights on the UK postcode database? #publicmoneypublicdata
    • Shutdown, restart or logoff a PC, remotely, using Twitter: – there’s a Mac equivalent too:
    • RT @timheuer: Adobe’s new page on iPhone if you try to install flash: ^MW Short and to the point (via @timanderson)
    • Companies such as BP are giving users the money to buy their own IT assets #MSWembley ^MW I believe this is the desktop model of the future
    • 1 in 7 helpdesk calls related to users installing their own software and corrupting systems #MSWembley ^MW there are licensing issues too
    • Shocked to see that so many people create images by using the last image, tweaking it, and re-sysprepping. Noooooo! #MSWembley
    • Just been looking at some of the Microsoft hardware at #MSWembley: HD webcam is very impressive as is keyboard with Win7 taskbar integration
    • Loving my new Arc Mouse (and it even comes with a little pouch :-)
    • RT @IE: Are you guilty of any of these? The most used and abused web design trends of all time:
    • The Microsoft LifeCam Cinema is the webcam I tweeted about earlier: 720p@30fps, low light sensitivity, close focusing
    • The Microsoft Wireless Comfort Desktop 5000 is the keyboard I liked with the palm rest and the #Windows7 taskbar integration
    • Waiting for my netbook to copy today’s images from my DSLR… large file transfers are not really what Atom processors were designed for :-(
    • RT @bbctech: Blogger turns 10 but how relevant is blogging now? ^MW Less than it was… and Blogger lost its way too
    • Microsoft is /still/ plugging XP Mode as a way forward at #MPN2009 It’s really just a sticking plaster and is irrelevant in the enterprise!
    • #Windows7’s Aero Shake is now known as “the Windows Wiggle” (via James Akrigg at #MPN2009)
    • RT @stufox: RT @Sysinternals: disk2vhd tool simplifies the migration of physical systems into virtual machines (P2V):
    • Just checking the VMware support matrix and cannot believe that VI3.5 components still don’t support Windows Server 2008 or SQL Server 2008
    • RT @markveldhuis: Bug in Snow Leopard deletes all user data ^MW from a pro-MSFT source but still very serious!
    • RT @google: Track UPS, Fedex or USPS packages – just put the tracking number in the search box ^MW works with Bing too
    • RT @4sysops: Web Browsers turn 15 and Windows is still alive despite threats going back 13 years
    • RT @govirtual: Microsoft certifies RHEL on Hyper-V, validates Windows on KVM ^MW #1 Linux distro is supported on H-V now
    • RT @maryjofoley Gartner calls Windows 7 ‘all but inevitable’ for business users:
    • RT @CIOsConnect: Windows 7: Don’t Wait for Service Pack to Test, Gartner Says by @smoneill
    • RT @CIOsConnect: Gartner analyst’s take on Windows 7 Migration
    • RT @maryjofoley: Pure speculation that Google might drop a Chrome OS beta as a Windows 7 spoiler ^MW It’s only Ubuntu!
    • RT @guardiantech: Channel 4 deal with YouTube will let users watch full-length TV dramas online
    • RT @Gartner_inc: 5 issues enterprises should examine with upcoming launch of Windows 7:
    • RT @guardiantech: BBC Trust blocks plan to share iPlayer technology with terrestrial channels
    • RT @jamestenniswood: Hell has frozen over, the iMac has an SD slot! eek ^MW MacBook is still light on USB ports and media slots though…
    • RT @maryjofoley Windows-7-friendly version of Microsoft Desktop Optimization Pack (MDOP) is now available for download:
    • Wow! Really chuffed to see @edbott refer to one of my posts in his Q&A on Windows XP Mode – thanks Ed!
    • On my way to a press briefing on #Windows7… only hours to go until GA of a very solid release – even Gartner say no need to wait for SP1
    • RT @leolaporte: Windows 7 has been in public beta test with 8 million people for a year. Snow Leopard? The beta is now (via @markveldhuis)
    • RT @BrentO: Twitter, stop saying you’re over capacity. The real problem is that you’re underpowered.
    • Here’s a thought… shouldn’t the USB sticks with the embargoed Windows 7 launch info for journalists be encrypted with BitLocker ToGo ;-)
    • I have an urge to buy new tech toys: multitouch monitor to use with Windows 7? WiFi enabled photo frame? Xbox 360 Elite? Must write to Santa
    • Introducing Windows Server 2008 R2 e-book (from @MicrosoftPress) is free at (via @markparris at )
    • RT @JoeBaguley: Business Traveller – What do you actually do? – Fabulous! ^MW Armstrong and Miller are /very/ funny
    • RT @thurrott: How you can easily clean install Windows 7 with Upgrade media:
    • Being very brave: encrypting the hard disk on my netbook using BitLocker (have never used encryption before for fear of locking myself out)
    • From @techradar: Apple to offer Windows 7 support this year
    • Things I hate on the net #1: Websites that make me register to leave a comment (unless it’s using something like OpenID or Windows Live ID)
    • Things I hate on the net #2: Websites that spread stories over lots of pages – yes, I’m talking about you MSN, TechTarget, et al.
    • Things I hate on the net #3: Websites that want me to see a full page ad before I can get to content
    • Things I hate on the net #4: Websites that play audio without warning
    • Things I hate on the net #5: Blogs that only syndicate article summaries
    • End of rant about things I hate on the net…
    • RT @ForbesTech Why Apple Is Gushing Hate On Windows 7 (article by @bcaulfield)
    • RT @guardiantech: Microsoft: An ageing giant ^MW Interesting but misses the point – i.e. 3 screens and a cloud
    • RT @joiningdots: “Twitter costs UK economy £1.3bn” ^MW and my employer gets 60 hrs a week of my time for the price of 37
    • RT @4sysops: Free Microsoft Press eBook by Mitch Tulloch: Windows 7 troubleshooting tips
    • RT @garrymartin: [blog] Hardware Specific Application Targeting with MDT 2010 –
    • RT @shanselman: RT @floatingfrisbee: BBC has built a JavaScript library: ^MW open source and wide browser support
    • RT @guardiantech: Does Twitter really cost British business £1.4bn a year? ^MW Not if you look at the bigger picture…
    • RT @OneMicrosoftWay: Microsoft selling crapware-free PCs in its stores: ^MW sadly not yet in the UK or via OEM channel
    • RT @google: Google PowerMeter rolls out in the UK: ^MW might be worth investigating…
    • It’s 40 years since the first message was sent on the ‘net It was L O and then the link crashed before they got to G!
    • RT @MSSpringboard: Infrastructure Planning and Design Guide for DirectAccess Now Available!
    • RT @paulbunnell9: National Stress Awareness Day – 4th November ^MW see
    • Downloading the new netbook remix of Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala” to have a play with…
    • RT @4sysops: Microsoft confirms Win 7 install trick is legal ^MW Storm in a teacup – @thurrott wasn’t encouraging piracy
    • Trying out Connectify and my first impressions are very positive – see @shanselman’s post for more info
    • RT @robmargel: RT @scottisafool: @manan the arc mouse is nice, really like mine :) totally agree love mine as well ^MW I have 2 of them :-)
    • RT @AndrewWoody: These sessions must be a short straw for Microsoft people – MVPs aren’t shy when it comes to expressing opinion #ukie09
    • RT @joe_elway: #ukie09 MVPs state opinions and stick a question mark on the end in Q&A!
    • RT @hinshelm: Woo, Office 2010 web app will be available on Skydrive for non-business users… #ukie09
    • RT @AndrewWoody: Azure is cool – but you need to really work through the numbers to ensure you know what the costs are #ukie09
    • RT @guardiantech: Crowds mob first Microsoft shops
    • RT @shanselman: HTML 5 – a 3 minute guide by @secretgeek
    • RT @shanselman: Great utility adds “Attach” and “Detach” to VHD files:
    • RT @guardiantech: The power of tweets
    • RT @airjrdn: Microsoft Security Essentials rated best free antivirus for Windows
  • November:
    • RT @garrymartin: Intel Virtualization Technology List – a list of processors that support Intel VT-x
    • Installing the Ubuntu 9.10 “Karmic Koala” netbook remix on a spare USB key… may sound like heresy but there’s no harm in taking a look!
    • Saw Win7 Home Premium in Costco yesterday for £50.99+VAT… not sure if it was an upgrade or a full edition, but that price sounds good
    • RT @windowslive: With Office 2010 you can save your work directly to Windows Live SkyDrive: ^MW Sweet!
    • RT @maryjofoley: Microsoft chops prices of its hosted enterprise cloud offerings:
    • RT @ForbesTech: Apple disses netbooks, proves it’s not Microsoft, again ^MW no more hackintoshes
    • RT @guardiantech: Can you spare 84p? That’s your best saving on Orange’s iPhone contract ^MW so much for competition…
    • RT @robmargel: Googler regains MVP status sort of…
    • I just learned that my 4 (nearly 5)-year-old has e-mail, calendar and intranet access at primary school! Impressive, but scary too…
    • My laptop gets a new #Windows7 skin:
    • Enabling PowerShell in Hyper-V Server 2008 R2:
    • RT @garrymartin: Exchange 2007 *will* be supported on Windows Server 2008 R2 ^MW Hurrah for common sense!
    • RT @Kikim: Microsoft Courier interface explained in detail: ^MW I /need/ to get me one of these :-)
    • Comparing the plug sockets of the world – more amusing than it sounds! (via @codinghorror)
    • RT @guardiantech: Got Windows 7? You’ll still need antivirus, Sophos shows ^MW Well… duh! Of course you do! I use MSE
    • SkyDrive Explorer: Guess what this does? (via @OneMicrosoftWay and
    • RT @eileenb: Behind the scenes at the Tech.Ed keynote ^MW Looking forward to it! #TEE09
    • RT @jamestenniswood: Lego
    • Creating business cards for #TEE09 DECAdry SnapBack card paper is great… HP OfficeJet 6310 sheet feeder is not… lots of wonky cards :-(
    • RT @garrymartin: From 10 November, the iPhone can be unlocked for O2 customers in the UK:
    • RT @fastflame: Twitter allows the audience to punish a speaker Immediately… keynote showed this #tee09 ^MW so did 3000 people walking out
    • RT @followdan: Keynote; verb; to attempt the rescue of an awful presentation using surreal videos of animals and robots. See ‘fail’ #tee09
    • Isn’t it funny how only positive #TEE09 tweets appear on (that was rhetorical)
    • Netbook is doing much better on juice today at #TEE09… remembered to put it into power saver mode (not just turning off Wi-Fi)
    • RT @stealthpuppy: Stop Paying for Windows Security; Microsoft’s Security Tools Are Good Enough:
    • RT @joe_elway: – Aidan’s response to a poorly-researched article ( about Hyper-V
    • Someone asked at #TEE09 if BranchCache will be made available for Windows XP – audience response: LOL. MSFT response: “We sell software” ;-)
    • RT @markveldhuis: Windows 7 Inspired By Mac OS X? Microsoft Says No Way. ^MW Mac fans flatter themselves…
    • RT @rschu: Fun Fact: “Mark Russinovich” is latin for “Dude, you just make my head explode” #TEE09 ^MW He has a brain the size of a planet!
    • RT @MicrosoftPress Free e-book from Microsoft Press & Technet Mag: Deploying Windows 7, Essential Guidance:
    • Win7 Tip: I left TweetDeck off today and got much better battery life at #TEE09… powercfg.exe -energy can help identify other culprits
    • I had a fantastic week at #TEE09 – very intensive but great fun too – thanks to all who worked so hard to make it happen
    • Woohoo! My iPhone is now /legally/ unlocked and running with a Vodafone UK SIM
    • RT @thurrott: Microsoft Offers a First Peek at Feature-Complete Office 2010
    • RT @timanderson: Post: PDC Day one – Windows in the cloud
    • RT @bbctech: Social networking sites criticised for failing to introduce a help button for children being bullied
    • RT @windows7hacker: Smallest Desktop That I’ve ever seen ^MW Hmm… maybe my next media centre PC?  Only 10W!
    • RT @JoeBaguley: #Quest announces #Azure-based on-demand software offerings #cloud
    • RT @MSWindows: Windows Media Center plugin supporting live TV from UK providers like the #BBC –
    • Just installed a Windows XP/Office 2007 system, starting out from XP SP1 and Office 2007 RTM media – 184 updates!  That’s why XP has to die!
    • RT @ActionLamb: Hand drawn video explaining “What is Windows Azure” – suitable for non-techies:
    • RT @bbctech: The government has announced plans to make Ordnance Survey mapping data available free of charge online
    • RT @GreggRobertson5: Dilbert on cloud computing
    • RT @maryjofoley: Office 2010 public beta is available for download today (starting at 1 pm ET today) here:
    • Not convinced about the new Twitter retweet function… often I want to RT with comments that add some context…
    • RT @codinghorror: Internet Explorer 9 – it lives! ^MW hopefully this release will get even closer to web standards…
    • RT @timanderson: Blog: PDC day two – Silverlight 4 and a free laptop
    • RT @4sysops: Microsoft Volume Licensing Reference Guide
    • RT @guardiantech: Keep the PCC’s hands off blogs
    • RT @GreggRobertson5: More Dilbert on cloud computing
    • RT @maryjofoley: Ozzie: MS still working on Adobe LightRoom competitor, but with a social twist: #PDC09
    • RT @ActionLamb: nice picture of possible iTablet – bonkers expensive RT @wired: Can an unannounced product be delayed?
    • RT @edbott: RT @inafried: Windows boss on building his first laptop (and more from Sinofsky to come)
    • RT @ActionLamb: PDC day 1 “Ray Ozzie” keynote is available for on-demand viewing
    • RT @Microsoft: PDC09 Day 1 & 2 keynotes on demand, downloadable video clips:
    • A first look at the Google Chrome OS, by @timanderson
    • RT @BrentO: The Chrome guys seemed completely surprised by the comparison to the original iPhone stance on apps. They’re screwed
    • First impressions with the Office 2010 beta are that it’s a lot more responsive (and of course more “polished”) than the CTP
    • RT @stufox: App-V distribution of Office 2010:
    • RT @edbott: Imagine the reaction from the press if Microsoft had announced something as incomplete as Chrome OS (*cough* Longhorn)
    • RT @timanderson: Conversation in shuttle to airport re #ChromeOS. “It sounds a bit big brother”. Also, “Will the EU want a browser ballot?”
    • RT @MVPAwardProgram: Couldn’t make PDC09? 91 sessions are now available for live streaming here
    • RT @jamiet: The EU says the browser isn’t part of the O/S so what will they make of Chrome OS? #justsayin
    • RT @robmargel – I’m a PC and my chops are done – Australian 7 second demos
    • RT @techradar: Why Chrome OS is no threat to Windows
    • RT @guardiantech: BBC bows to SEO
    • RT @thommck Google Chrome OS – What is it for and is it any good? … ^MW good summary of yesterday’s briefing
    • Happy to be back in “thick client” Outlook (2010) after server certificate issue was resolved. OWA is OK, but I like the full functionality!
    • RT @shanselman: Here’s the technical details and specs of the #pdc09 laptop: ^MW are there any on eBay yet?
    • RT @guardiantech: Digital economy bill: A punishing future
    • RT @sbink: Office 2010 Click To Run: App-v from the cloud ^MW interesting: pity it’s device and not user-centric
    • RT @robmargel: handy hint for creating a Windows 7 custom key command
    • This looks interesting when building home/small business PCs (i.e. no standard builds available): (via @dmsaxon)
    • RT @ActionLamb: Superb Dilbert re: Twitter
    • RT @timanderson: First look at Chrome OS (strictly Chromium OS) screen by screen ^MW unfortunately, split over 11 pages
    • RT @thurrott: Just Like IBM ^MW I hope not… or else it could be time for a new career!
    • RT @stealthpuppy: Cool tool: EULAlyzer by Javacool Software
    • RT @shanselman: Trying “Chromium OS” on my Dell Mini 9. Seems like any Linux live CD so far. It’s a bootable browser.
    • Looking at for my low-power PC… lots of choices… trying to work out the physics…
    • RT @pzizz: MacWorld rates pzizz relax with 4 out of 5 ^MW I use this app too: see
    • I just ran up ESXi on a netbook!  Totally by accident (was just about to wipe a disk that had been built in another system) but it ran!
    • Just confirmed that Windows Server 2008 will run on an Atom…
    • Just ordered mini-itx case and Atom 330 powered mobo – will blog when all working!
    • Microsoft Security Essentials won’t install on server operating systems :-(
    • RT @nickboldt (via @JoeBaguley) For any designer, writer or freelancer who’s been asked to work for free:
    • Note to self: TechNet subs only give you a one-time key for Windows Server: should have grabbed the key from last year’s sub before expiry
    • Microsoft Security Essentials won’t install on servers but WIndows Update thinks I might want Windows Live Essentials! Interesting logic!
    • Interesting analysis of OpenID provider usage on stackoverflow/serverfault/
    • just delivered my copy of the Windows 7 Resource Kit: – at 1712 pages, is this the biggest paperback ever?
    • A description of Hyper-V and SLAT (Second Level Address Translation) by @joe_elway:
    • RT @stealthpuppy: Rumour: will iconic Technics DJ turntables be discontinued? . Noooo! ^MW Say it ain’t so!
    • RT @codinghorror: mini PCs FTW! An Atom paired with an energy efficient chipset: 11W idle 18W max.
    • RT @timanderson: Is Microsoft really this stupid? Wants to charge for iPlayer on Xbox 360?
    • RT @guardiantech: Letters: Gary McKinnon extradition decision is shameful
    • RT @thurrott: Netbooks: Do They Make Sense for Business? ^MW In a word, no.
    • RT @timanderson: How many people buy software from sites like this? ^MW probably lots  – and that’s worrying
    • Just been looking at @dmsaxon’s new HTC HD2… think that’s my next new phone :-)
  • December:
    • 2 years ago, I said that Time Capsule was not as good as Apple made out: (via @jamestenniswood)
    • BBC photographer on being stopped by police for taking sunset photo: #1984 #notacrime
    • RT @Sysinternals: Lots of Sysinternals tool updates today:  VMMap, Disk2vhd, Sigcheck, Autoruns, PsExec, and PsKill –
    • RT @VirtualPCGuy: Why Hyper-V cannot boot off of SCSI disks (and why you should not care) –
    • Finally got around to configuring multiple Exchange Server accounts in Outlook 2010.  Very useful feature :-)
    • RT @phnat: Photographers rights, finally on the frontpage #1984 #notacrime
    • RT @Gartner_inc: Through 2012, IT orgs will spend more $$ on private cloud computing investments than public cloud offerings #GartnerDC
    • RT @MSSpringboard: Windows Optimized Desktop can enable the easy/quick replacement of a lost/stolen PC
    • RT @MSSpringboard: Prevx agrees that the Black Screen of Death issue is not related to Microsoft’s security patches
    • RT @CIOsConnect: To recap: you will NOT be seeing the “Black Screen of Death” as a result of applying any of the Microsoft patches
    • Really pleased to see that PowerPoint 2010 can handle notes pages where the notes span several pages.  No need for :-)
    • OpenDNS responds to the Google DNS “threat”: (via @AndyParkes)
    • Got to admit that is a pretty memorable DNS server address.  Hope they have something equally memorable for IPv6!
    • If I wasn’t looking after the kids this weekend I would try to be at this: #StPaulsPhoto #phnat #notacrime #1984
    • RT @phnat: RT @TheIndyNews: Police told: stop this abuse of terror law #phnat #notacrime #1984
    • RT @guardiantech: Photography is our right, our freedom: #phnat #notacrime #1984
    • Anybody know a good way to test if a USB flash drive is dodgy? My demo worked after I switched devices. Suspect my 16GB thumbdrive is duff
    • RT @shanselman: Hm…this new Retweet feature sucks…without RT added commentary my twitter timeline is disturbingly quiet ^MW Hear hear!
    • RT @thurrott Best of Both Worlds: Windows 7 on the Mac
    • Google is an ADVERTISING company, not an IT company: the IT stuff is just a means to an end (@timanderson highlighted this to me last year)
    • CheckFlash found a dodgy area on my USB flash drive (thanks @adugdell) – how can I mark it bad (like I could with traditional disks)?
    • As I suspected, formatting a disk has no effect on physical defects: does anyone know how to make sectors bad on a flash drive?
    • RT @BillP: Ever wonder who’s gets your personal Facebook information?
    • RT @guardiantech: Don’t stop this healthy IT project
    • RT @edbott: The ‘black screen of death’: fact, fiction, or FUD? History and troubleshooting tips
    • RT @Gartner_inc: Average number of workers using employee-owned notebooks to increase from 10% in ’09 to 14% by mid-’10
    • I ran GRC’s Domain Name Speed Benchmark ( via @markveldhuis): OpenDNS beats my ISP’s servers and Google DNS is slow…
    • Also, OpenDNS gives me filtering so I (or my family) don’t accidentally surf somewhere I shouldn’t…
    • RT @markveldhuis: -.-. — — .-.. -.-.–   RT @verkoren: translate text to Morse code!
    • RT @1854: Photographer detained by Police for taking pictures in London: ^MW So much for the #ACPO letter #1984 #phnat
    • RT @jasonsantamaria: RCA student radically improves the UK plug: ^MW Superb! I do so hope this makes it into production!
    • Free dictation software for the iPhone: (via @airjrdn).  Only in the US though :-(
    • Google finally ships a beta of Chrome for MacOS X… 15 months after the Windows beta, and 14 months after I stopped caring about it…
    • RT @codinghorror: Dear Opera users, the web is not broken, *Opera* is broken. ^MW outspoken as ever Jeff! And right as usual
    • RT @CIOsConnect: 10 OS Lessons Apple could learn from Microsoft ^MW interesting points, spread over too many pages…
    • Microsoft Hyper-V R2 + SCVMM vs VMware vSphere + vCenter: finally, a decent feature comparison:
    • Some interesting links in this post about today’s heavy-handed police treatment of photographer: #phnat
    • Microsoft moves Windows Azure into its Server and Tools Business, forming a new Server and Cloud Division:
    • Microsoft’s Windows 7 Application Compatibility List for IT Pros shows apps that have passed Win7 logo testing:
    • Core Configurator v2.0 is released for those who don’t like the command line: (via @mattmcspirit
    • RT @leadfollowmove: No support for Exchange 2007 on [Windows Server] 2008 R2 until SP3 (H2 2010) *doh* ^MW shot in foot
    • So, the UK Government has decided to implement the crazy “broadband tax” I can’t wait to vote these ****s out of office
    • Broadband tax would raise around £170m a year, way short of BT’s estimate of £5bn needed to provide super-fast fibre to every UK home…
    • RT @JoeBaguley: UK 13A wall socket with built-in USB charging socket – nifty: ^MW pity it’s such an ugly faceplate…
    • RT @guardiantech: The difference between reporting and journalism:
    • RT @bbctech: Around Denmark’s first zero-CO2 house ^MW Nice! But possibly costs a little more than the average UK semi
    • RT @techradar: Is the App Store Apple’s biggest PR disaster? ^MW If devs leave the iPhone platform where will they go?
    • RT @tom_warren: Got a Windows 7 Touch PC and want the Touch Pack? It’s coming for download soon ^MW Looks like fun!
    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Feature Component Poster: (via @thurrott)
    • Listening to a Fujitsu PRIMERGY server presentation… sounds as if the TX120 would be quieter and use 43% less power than my Dell PE840 :-(
    • RT @leadfollowmove: Free e-book: “First Look: Microsoft Office 2010”: 
    • RT @jamesbannan: Today’s Haiku – Virtualisation / All of your applications / Are not really there ^MW James is good at these…
    • RT @shanselman: Three important Outlook rules for processing mail:
    • RT @Fotoe: going to take pics of cops. Then when they search the car they might find my missing lens cap! Always a silver lining! #phnat
    • Helping UK citizens to find out what their taxes are spent on: (via @bbctech:
    • Mass Gathering in defence of street photography on 23 Jan 2010: #phnat
    • RT @stephenfry: Amazing meeting with some v cool people at Microsoft. […] Pivot, Seadragon, so much coolosity I nearly fainted.
    • Sad to see @garrymartin leave Fujitsu today. Excellent technical skills and can also operate at CxO level. Will be a great catch for someone
    • Why eco-light bulbs aren’t what they seem:
    • RT @edbott: Every webmaster’s nightmare: ^MW Feeling sorry for @codinghorror and thanking @alexcoles for my backups
    • RT @alanpurchase: Lots of really good people leaving Fujitsu.
    • RT @scaleovenstove: if you want to check out Sharepoint 2010 but don’t want to install, here you go:
    • Just checked my MCP Transcript and saw that I passed the two Windows 7 beta exams I took back in October
    • Trying to work out if passing exams without any preparation means a) I know my stuff or b) the exams are not hard enough… I’d suggest b
    • RT @stealthpuppy: A Media Centre PC that mounts behind your TV: ^MW but have you seen the price tag?!
    • RT @poleydee: I am loving the new Sun advert ‘in the style of’ an iPhone ad… ^Fantastic ad. Shame about the paper
    • Want to get involved in the Microsoft Learning development process (beta exams, etc.)? See:
    • Really pleased to see that #officebeta 2010 Sharing is to SkyDrive /and/ SharePoint (I thought it was either/or):
    • RT @mike_walsh: Why Should I Blog? My thoughts on why YOU should start a technical blog.
    • A useful Microsoft codename tracker from @maryjofoley :
    • Just found that the #officebeta 2010 includes Microsoft SharedView ( integration:
    • Trying to write an Excel macro to do some of the legwork on our over-complex expenses process
      RT @jamestenniswood: Teletext killed off early!
    • Want to take a look at #Windows7? ITPros can test drive at; devs should go to (via @paulbunnell9)
    • @MSSpringboard Installing Windows 7 from USB is THE way to go. Very fast once the initial USB setup is done. How to at:
    • RT @MSSpringboard: Watch Greg Lambert from ChangeBASE AOK discuss Windows 7 application compatibility
    • Just sent a fax – how quaint! Haven’t done that in a long time! Couldn’t find a fax machine but Windows Fax and Scan did the trick for me…
    • RT @airjrdn: Dell lays off 700 workers, suddenly filled with numerous price mistakes –
    • RemoteApp for Hyper-V. Hyper what? @stealthpuppy explains why this is a misnomer:
    • RT @garrymartin: You have to laugh at the ironic truth of it all :-)
    • RT @AndrewWoody: Is this a good thing – UK TV watching increased but we have rubbish broadband – Elite my arse
    • RT @OneMicrosoftWay: Brief: Why Office 2010 won’t support Windows XP 64-bit – ^MW or on Server 2003 (i.e. for Term Svcs)
    • RT @4sysops: Getting to Know Hyper-V: A Walkthrough from Initial Setup to Common Scenarios New Microsoft paper
    • RT @lizmale A Christmas card to all Twitter folk (and an opportunity to raise money for Construction Youth Trust):
    • Iraqi militants hack $4.5m Predator drones With Windows shareware: (via @jamestenniswood) #militarystupidity #fail
    • Microsoft customer satisfaction mandate looms: #mspartner (via @ServicesReady)
    • RT @markveldhuis: Fixed in new @tweetdeck: tweets from people with a high number of followers going “missing” ^MW reappeared after update
    • RT @airjrdn: Google says it’s okay with ad-blocking extensions ^MW Google may be OK, but I’m not.  No ads=no £
    • RT @joe_elway: Looking Into “9 Reasons Enterprises Shouldn’t Switch To Hyper-V ^MW Aidan beat me to it
    • RT @dutchie027: InformationWeek and Virtualisation – Take it with a grain of salt – ^MW Another attack on the FUD
    • Looking to deploy Windows 7? Check out the Windows Optimized Desktop Solution Accelerators: (via @MSSpringboard)
    • RT @CIOsConnect: Ubuntu Linux founder stepping down as CEO
    • RT @Office: Office 2010 Volume Activation Tips and Tricks: #officebeta
    • RT @wordpress:WordPress 2.9 “Carmen” is alive. Upgrade! ^MW I really /must/ update my site!
    • Microsoft Australia is giving away 5 HTC HD2s: (via @longzheng) ^MW Microsoft UK… how about something similar here?
    • Disappointed to see that the #spotify iPhone app needs a Premium account :-(
    • #Windows7 and hardcore geek courtship: (via @jamesbannan and @adugdell)
    • RT @joiningdots: How some are limiting their time spent on Facebook: ^MW I should do the same for Twitter!
    • Next-generation Intel Atom processors: smaller, more efficient, not much more powerful #processors #intelatom
    • Great to catch up with social networking expert @eileenb – I just learned about Connectors, Mavens and Salesmen:
    • RT @jamesoneill: Drilling into ‘reasons for not switching to Hyper-V’ ^MW another attempt to cut though the FUD
    • My AV software just threw up a notification for BitTorrent traffic but why is this bad? There are legal uses too!
    • RT @Lifehacker: The Lifehacker Guide to 64-bit vs. 32-bit Operating Systems #windows #64bit
    • Very pleased with Humax PVR-9300T.  Easy setup and no noticeable fan noise.  Mrs W. is also pleased to be able to work our AV setup again!
    • RT @joiningdots: Seemingly rational changes create unintended consequences ^MW it’s not just startups that do this…
    • RT @ITPRO: Illegal music downloads on the rise ^MW make it less expensive and people will pay…
    • RT @BrentO: FANTASTIC article for bloggers. RT @JonDiPietro: Getting started tips for non-bloggers
    • RT @wilhil: I have a new love of Windows 2000 inside a VM, runs Firefox and most .net programs, starts in <5 secs and takes only 256MB RAM!
    • RT @applespotlight: Tip: iPhone pic in low light? Cover camera, uncover, take photo before it adjusts to new light condition ^MW Nice tip!
    • RT @Office: RT @dinabass: Microsoft’s Office 2010 beta does not include the feature covered by the patent ruling in favor of i4i #officebeta
    • RT @codinghorror: Of the Windows-Icons-Menu-Pointer paradigm, only the last ONE was actually useful and necessary. See: the web
    • RT @guardiantech: The iPhone isn’t perfect ^MW Interesting idea that iPhone users experience “Stockholm Syndrome”
    • Have to admit that my own site’s search function is pants.  Searching on Google with turned up better results :-(
    • RT @bbctech: BBC Two show Top Gear was the most watched programme of the year on BBC iPlayer, according to new figures
    • Download two chapters from Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Administrator’s Pocket Consultant: /via @MicrosoftPress
    • Hunting for an RS232 cable to update the software on my PVR…
    • PVR software updated OK.  Had to use my wife’s ThinkPad T40 as it had a serial port and an old OS (WinXP) that would run Humax’s updater!

I’m still blogging too, although that has tailed off lately, it was largely due to work and home pressures. I have a couple of posts in my head that never quite made it to my keyboard over the Christmas break and they should be here soon. Watch this space – and thanks again to everyone who supports me by reading/watching/commenting on my various productions and makes it all worthwhile!