Movember 2011/Fit at 40 update

This content is 13 years old. I don't routinely update old blog posts as they are only intended to represent a view at a particular point in time. Please be warned that the information here may be out of date.

Today marks the start of Movember and, although I’d like to support the Mo’ Bro’s and Sisters out there, unfortunately this year I won’t be sporting a ‘tache.

I grew one last year and, aside from the fact that Mrs. W. was less than impressed (quite happy with my usual face fuzz, but not with a dodgy moustache), it didn’t go down too well at work – Movember is just not established enough in the UK for me to meet with potential customers sporting dubious facial hair!

Even those of us who can’t take part in Movember can still support it virtually – all the Mo’ Bro’s are raising money for charities working with Prostate Cancer (so you could donate via the Movember website) or, alternatively, my Fit at 40 Challenge continues and I’m still working hard to raise money for The Prostate Cancer Charity at the same time as losing weight and getting fit.

Almost half way through the Buckingham 10KSo where am I at? To be perfectly honest, I’m a little behind where I would like to be but still making progress. Two weeks ago, I ran the Buckingham 10K (my second 10K race) and beat my London time, although I was disappointed that I couldn’t push hard on the downhill stretch at the end because my knee was hurting and I didn’t want to risk injury (stats). Thankfully it seems OK now – I’ve run a couple of 5-milers since without issue. Mixed in with some spinning, the occasional bike ride and some swimming, the exercise is going well and I’m starting to see the results. After months of not losing much weight (but clearly gaining muscle), I’m now noticing the difference on my belt loop, and am tantalisingly close to having shed the second stone.

So, I may not be able to grow a ‘tache for Movember but I can push hard on my fit at 40 challenge – if I get below 15st 10lbs (100kg) this month (and I certainly intend to), why not donate to The Prostate Cancer Charity via my JustGiving page?

3 thoughts on “Movember 2011/Fit at 40 update

  1. Hi Mark

    Movember is a good cause,but like you my good lady was having no furry faced husband.I did toy with idea of growing one just to see her reaction!However she the boss.Keep up the push for fitness,like many of us in our early 40s! its amazing how unfit you become,you have inspired me to take up five a side again.



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